Tag: the urbanist
Seattle’s mixed history building neighborhood greenways
Neighborhood greenways have a hit and miss history in Seattle. Sometimes they create fantastic all ages and abilities walking and biking connections, and sometimes they are so heavily compromised that they do very little. So as Seattle prepares to create a new transportation plan and craft a new transportation funding measure, we should probably get…
What does Seattle’s new City Council mean for safe streets?
Seattle has a very new City Council, and the changes aren’t even complete yet. Five coucilmembers are new, and a sixth interim councilmember will be appointed soon. For a nine-person governing body, that’s a lot of turnover all at once. Washington Bikes asked all the candidates for their stances on various bike issues, and none…
Roundup of 2023 primary endorsements from transportation advocacy orgs – UPDATED
Your ballot for the August 1 primary election should have arrived in the mail, or should arrive very soon. Eligible voters have until July 24 to register or update your address online. After that date, voters will need to register in person at a voting center. Every Seattle City Council district seat is up for…
Packer: The public won’t build a new surface parking lot near Pike Place Market after all
Ryan Packer has some wonderful news: Seattle City Light will not build its planned surface parking lot at Western Ave and Blanchard Street after all. Word of the proposed parking lot, located within the Western Ave business strip that extends north from Pike Place Market, was a huge disappointment after a public process revealed a…
2022 election endorsements from transportation and safe streets groups
Ballots should have arrived by mail or should be arriving very soon, which means it’s time to fight your procrastinating tendencies and vote now. If you haven’t received your ballot, check to make sure your voter information is updated. If you have moved, you can update your address online. If you are not yet registered,…
The 2021 election will determine Seattle’s transportation future + Endorsements roundup
In 2024, voters will likely be asked to fund Seattle’s renewed vision for transportation. The 2015 Move Seattle Levy will be set to expire, and it will need to be replaced by a new measure. Ballots are in the mail, and Seattle voters will elect the leaders who will craft that new transportation vision. Every…
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- Alert 9/16-10/4: Snoqualmie Valley Trail closed north of Rattlesnake Lake
- Saturday: Cascade will host 3 rides in memory of Steve Hulsman
- Cascade: ‘Vote NO on I-2117 if you love bikes and trails’
- Biking Uphill in the Rain is a finalist for the 2024 Washington State Book Award
- Gone bikin’
- ‘Our kid is biking on MLK!’
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