Tag: stone way
Stone Way bike detour not yet in place
Seattle Public Utilities’ planned work zone bike path on Stone Way did not work out as they intended, the agency announced this week. While sidewalks remain open through the construction area between N 34th and 35th Streets, equipment has blocked the space that was supposed to house the bike path. The work is part of…
SPU plans temporary bikeway during Stone Way overflow pipe construction starting late January
Seattle’s least-discussed megaproject is coming to Stone Way in Fremont/Wallingford, but crews have plans to maintain space for biking and walking. Seattle Public Utilities’ Ship Canal Water Quality Project is estimated to total $570 million, a cost that could still increase before it is complete, the Seattle Times reported. The project will build large new…
City delays Stone Way bike lane upgrade, latest of many Wallingford paving project safety cuts
Yes, the new bikeway around (half of) Green Lake is a big improvement. We made a whole video about it. But it is only one part of a major series of paving projects all grouped together into one very big “Green Lake and Wallingford Paving & Multi-Modal Improvements” project that aside from Green Lake Way…
Couple healing up after struck by car while walking across Stone Way
A couple active in the Seattle theater scene was struck by a car while crossing Stone Way January 11 on their way to a show at Stone Soup Theater. Both Zach and Ashley Adair were hospitalized, though Zach’s injuries were a bit worse than Ashley’s and he was in the ICU for several days. He…
Mostly-finished Green Lake Way project reconnects neighbors with their parks
While we here at Seattle Bike Blog spend a lot of time urging the city to invest in protected bike lanes, it’s important to remember that simply redesigning a street using paint can completely revolutionize a street. The city’s in-process remake of Green Lake Way between N 50th Street and Green Lake is a perfect…
Plans for key Wallingford neighborhood greenway crossing scaled back
Plans for a key crossing for the Wallingford neighborhood greenway has been scaled back in response to concerns from residents. The crossing at N 43rd St and Stone Way is the biggest component of the project, giving people on foot or bike a safe and more comfortable way to cross the busy street. Originally, plans…
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- WSDOT: Promised e-bike rebate program still far from launching
- At memorial bike ride for her husband, Rita Hulsman asked attendees to vote yes on the transportation levy she worked to strengthen
- Seattle will pay $5.75M to two people who say streetcar tracks caused their bike crashes
- Alert 9/16-10/4: Snoqualmie Valley Trail closed north of Rattlesnake Lake
- Saturday: Cascade will host 3 rides in memory of Steve Hulsman
- Cascade: ‘Vote NO on I-2117 if you love bikes and trails’
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