Tag: center city connector
Seattle decided 9 years ago to kill the SLU Streetcar
The South Lake Union Streetcar broke down Friday, August 9, and nobody even noticed until King County Metro and SDOT sent out a press release about it the next Monday. Like, I searched through social media posts and could not find a single person mentioning issues riding the streetcar line the entire weekend that it…
Mayor’s budget funds downtown streetcar, will form bike/streetcar safety review board
Mayor Ed Murray’s proposed budget would fund the Center City Connector streetcar, providing $45 million over the next half decade to match Federal grant funds and funds from City Light and Public Utilities for relocation work, Seattle Transit Blog reports. As we reported in depth back in June, we have some serious bike safety concerns…
Downtown streetcar plans would make 1st Ave, Stewart more dangerous for biking
Despite ample evidence that streetcar tracks injure and maybe even kill people biking, plans for a downtown streetcar line on 1st Ave and Stewart Street do not include any adjacent bike lanes or any other measure to make the tracks safer. To put it bluntly, the $135 million Center City Connector Streetcar as currently planned…
Downtown streetcar plans don’t include safe bikeway
Plans for the City Center Connector streetcar do not currently include a safe bike facility. Analysis of the options for a streetcar through downtown to connect the South Lake Union and First Hill lines has settled on First Avenue as the best option both for speed and ridership. As advertised on this site, streetcar planners…
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- WSDOT: Promised e-bike rebate program still far from launching
- At memorial bike ride for her husband, Rita Hulsman asked attendees to vote yes on the transportation levy she worked to strengthen
- Seattle will pay $5.75M to two people who say streetcar tracks caused their bike crashes
- Alert 9/16-10/4: Snoqualmie Valley Trail closed north of Rattlesnake Lake
- Saturday: Cascade will host 3 rides in memory of Steve Hulsman
- Cascade: ‘Vote NO on I-2117 if you love bikes and trails’
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