Tag: cindy ryu
Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill starts journey through State Legislature
The Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill (AKA the Safe Neighborhood Speeds Bill and the 20’s Plenty Bill) has started its journey through the state legislature as HB 1045. The bill would give municipalities the ability to cut through red tape when lowering the speed on non-arterial (typically residential) streets to as low as 20 mph. Currently,…
The neighborhood safe speeds bill has unanimous, bipartisan support
20’s Plenty For Us from Streetfilms on Vimeo. Last year, freshman state Representative Cindy Ryu sponsored a bill that won wide, unanimous and bipartisan support. HB 1217 would allow municipalities to bypass red tape when lowering speed limits on non-arterial streets (such as residential streets). The House voted 92-0 to approve the bill, but it…
Is lowering speed limits the key to increased safety on Dexter?
Alan Durning wrote a column for the Seattle Times earlier this week arguing that, in light of Mike Wang’s death and other senseless traffic fatalities in our state, Washington should follow nearby states and provinces by allowing municipalities to lower their speed limits. Sightline has since published a longer version of the column on their…
The 20’s Plenty bill is just too polite for this year’s legislature
We reported earlier this week on the quiet death of HB 1217, which would have given municipalities the power to lower non-arterial speed limits to 20 mph. Taking a cue from similar campaigns elsewhere, I have dubbed the bill the 20’s Plenty bill. After passing the House, the Senate chose not to take it up…
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- WSDOT: Promised e-bike rebate program still far from launching
- At memorial bike ride for her husband, Rita Hulsman asked attendees to vote yes on the transportation levy she worked to strengthen
- Seattle will pay $5.75M to two people who say streetcar tracks caused their bike crashes
- Alert 9/16-10/4: Snoqualmie Valley Trail closed north of Rattlesnake Lake
- Saturday: Cascade will host 3 rides in memory of Steve Hulsman
- Cascade: ‘Vote NO on I-2117 if you love bikes and trails’
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