Tag: board of parks commissioners
After years of public process, Cheasty Greenspace trails plan gets green light
After a years long, sometimes heated public process, the Seattle Parks Board voted unanimously to move forward with a pilot set of soft surface biking and walking trails in the hilly Cheasty Greenspace natural area between Rainier Vista and Beacon Hill. The Parks Board of Commissioners (a volunteer advisory board that the Parks Dept. takes…
Parks Board wants more MTB and walking trails in Cheasty
Developing plans to create new walking and mountain bike trails in the overgrown Cheasty Greenspace between Rainier Vista and Beacon Hill has run into a problem: The proposed plan may not include enough trails to meet the project’s goals. That’s the essence of a recent letter (PDF) from the largely advisory Board of Parks Commissioners to…
Rather than change Parks policy, Board will consider Cheasty pilot MTB project – UPDATE: Passed
An exciting park restoration and mountain bike project in the Cheasty Greenspace on the eastern edge of Beacon Hill hit a roadblock last year: There is a long-forgotten Seattle Parks policy that prohibits bicycle use in parks. At first, organizers of the Cheasty Greenspace Trails and Bike Park were hoping to overturn the policy, but…
Parks Board will consider bikes-in-parks policy change, hear about neighborhood greenways
Volunteers with a dream of doing environmental rehab work and building a mountain bike park in Cheasty Greenspace will get the chance to earn the support of the Board of Park Commissioners. The meeting is 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Kenneth R. Bounds Park Board Room at 100 Dexter Ave. N. Beacon Bike Park (longer…
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- WSDOT: Promised e-bike rebate program still far from launching
- At memorial bike ride for her husband, Rita Hulsman asked attendees to vote yes on the transportation levy she worked to strengthen
- Seattle will pay $5.75M to two people who say streetcar tracks caused their bike crashes
- Alert 9/16-10/4: Snoqualmie Valley Trail closed north of Rattlesnake Lake
- Saturday: Cascade will host 3 rides in memory of Steve Hulsman
- Cascade: ‘Vote NO on I-2117 if you love bikes and trails’
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