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Seattle women #BikeTheVote today + How you can help final ST3 push & where to party

My actual ballot. ST3 is at the very end.
My actual ballot. ST3 is at the very end.

I voted for ST3. It was at the very end of a very long ballot. But damn it felt good.

Seeing hours-long lines outside polling places in many communities across the country, I am so thankful for Washington’s vote-by-mail system. You can put those hours saved to work by helping with the final get-out-the-vote push with the Mass Transit Now campaign.

If you have been procrastinating and still haven’t opened your ballot, it’s time to take a deep breath and confront that monster. See our previous post for some help making decisions and finding a ballot drop box near you.

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If you identify as a woman and have yet to deliver your ballot or simply want to spend Election Day Eve biking around town with other awesome women, then get yourself to the Seattle Center Fountain at 6:30 p.m. for Menstrual Monday’s Tour de Dropbox. I feel privileged to send my ballot on this ride in the care of my amazing spouse Kelli. A powerful woman biking with other awesome women, delivering my vote for the first woman to hold the office of U.S. President. I can’t think of a better way to vote.

More details on the ride, from the Facebook event page:

Join our monthly women’s bike ride as we pedal the vote and enjoy our city and each other’s company on bikes! Meet at 6:30, ride at 7pm.

Bring your ballot if you haven’t voted yet- we’ll make a stop at a ballot box to drop off ballots!

This ride is open to all who identify as women, female, and femme. Come as you are, all types of bikes and riders welcome. Social pace, no drop. Bring lights.

If you’re looking for a transportation-related election night party (and of course you are!), the Mass Transit Now campaign will be at the Crocodile starting at 6:30 p.m. The first returns will come in at 8.

And thanks to the successful ST2 vote in 2008, you can walk a few blocks from the Croc to Westlake Station and catch a train to Capitol Hill Station to join any street parties that may break out there. So convenient! We should build more stations.

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One response to “Seattle women #BikeTheVote today + How you can help final ST3 push & where to party”

  1. Ella

    I’m also transporting my dude’s ballot on tonight’s MM ride!

2024 Voter Guide

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