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Cascade hiring two communications staffers, shakeups continue

Serena Lehman (left) and Elizabeth Kiker. Photo from Cascade.
Serena Lehman (left) and Elizabeth Kiker. Photo from Cascade.

Changes at Cascade Bicycle Club keep coming, and the club has announced two communications positions.

In recent weeks, several more staffers left or were let go as new Executive Director Elizabeth Kiker continues to dramatically reorganize the 15,000-member organization.

Cascade announced Friday that Anne-Marije Rook is moving up as Communications Director, a position formerly held by MJ Kelly. Serena Lehman will be the club’s Membership and Outreach Director.

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Shannon Koller will fill the Youth Programs Manager job formerly held by mountain biking star Kat Sweet, who left the club in September to focus full-time on her Sweetlines mountain bike coaching company. Koller founded a fantastic bike club at Loyal Heights Elementary aimed at teaching kids how to bike safely and independently to develop a culture of transportation cycling at a young age.

If you want a job where you might be forced to deal with me (yay!), the communications department is hiring two new staffers: A graphic designer and a “communications specialist,” who will work on outreach, news and marketing.

The job details and how to apply are listed on the Cascade website.

The club is also beginning a study to decide whether a larger restructuring is in order. Currently, the club is made up a 501(c)(4) membership organization, a 501(c)(3) education foundation, and Bike PAC, a political action committee. Dues paid to the 501(c)(4) nonprofit are not tax-deductible, but 501(c)(4) organizations are able to make overt political endorsements and directly engage in campaigns. 501(c)(3) nonprofits are charitable, and contributions are tax-deductible. However, there are limits on political speech for a 501(c)(3).

Cascade was a 501(c)(4) first, and created the 501(c)(3) Education Foundation in 2001. The foundation “provides education programs and consulting services in the interest of creating a better community through bicycling.” I do not envy the accountants at the club, who have to meticulously track all funds to make sure money does not cross between the two non-profits.

In coming months, the club will explore the pros and cons of restructuring in different ways, and Kiker said the membership will have a chance to weigh in on the options.

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2 responses to “Cascade hiring two communications staffers, shakeups continue”

  1. […] the change, which we first reported back in November 2013, would definitely impact the kinds of election work the club does. Currently, […]

  2. […] is leaving Cascade Bicycle Club after many years working for their communications department and a year and a half as the club’s Communications […]

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