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Bike to Work Day preview + Map of Commute Stations

Bike to Work Day 2011 at the Fremont Bridge

Friday is Bike to Work (and School!) Day, which is pretty much a holiday for folks on two wheels.

There will be Commute Stations all over the region, many of which will be armed with snacks and coffee. In a change from recent years, the main station will be outside KEXP studios at Dexter and John. The station will be broadcasting outdoors through the morning. The annual ride with the mayor will start there at 7:30 a.m. and head to City Hall for an 8 a.m. rally.

If you have never done the ride downtown with the mayor, it’s a lot of fun. I guarantee you have never ridden to work with this many other people before. And if you don’t work downtown, well, it’s still fun.

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If you have a friend or co-worker who interested in giving biking to work a shot, let them know that Bike to Work Day is one of the best day to do it. There’s a ton of support and other people cycling, and everyone is full of smiles and in good spirits.

Basically, Bike to Work Day is a one-day look ahead a few years into the future when the number of people cycling had grown significantly. It’s empowering evidence that it can happen if we just keep working to make our city safer and create a more welcoming culture for people new to cycling.

Cascade has also upped the activities at the after party in Ballard:

After work, stop by the Ballard Street Party from 4-7 p.m. in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood and enjoy live music, bike polo, test rides and more.

New this year, MOHAI will be displaying an antique penny-farthing bicycle, Theo Chocolates will be sampling their new World Bicycle Relief Bars, and we’ll be inviting you to strut your stuff in our new “Share Your Style” Bike Fashion Show. You can also rest your tired legs and tour the Ballard rain gardens and Ballard’s proposed Greenway with the fine folks at Seattle Pedi-Cab.

Here’s the full schedule:

Below is a map of the Commute Stations. Obviously, someone needs to organize a “Bike to Work Day Alleycat for the Funemployed.” Start at 6, and you’ve got two hours to get to as many commute stations as possible by 8. The finish line would be City Hall for the rally. Next year…

Anyway, the map:

View Bike Month Activities & Bike to Work Day Stations in a larger map

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11 responses to “Bike to Work Day preview + Map of Commute Stations”

  1. no traffic lights

    I’m on unenjoyment this year. I’ll be visiting as many stations as possible. Trick or Treat.

  2. […] posted here: Bike to Work Day preview + Map of Commute Stations | Seattle Bike … This entry was posted in Blog Search and tagged day, friend, full, giving, interested, smiles, […]

  3. I was going to work from home but with it being Bike to Work day and all, I better Bike to Work.

  4. Joseph Singer

    Where is the downtown bike station?

  5. CertainSteel

    Now I know how annoyed all my coworkers feel towards cyclists. Seriously People, riding a bike is not a license to abandon all common sense and courtesy. I hope that some of you will continue to commute, but for those of us who do this year round please have a little respect for other people on the road and trails. That includes other cyclists, pedestrians AND motorists

    1. Jeremy

      Seriously people, driving a car is a license to poison your lungs, your families lungs, your friends lungs, any lungs unfortunate enough to need to breathe near a car. I hope that some of you will respect this little ethical problem and continue not to drive.

      1. CertainSteel

        For clarification Jeremy. I ride year round. Usualy 5 days a week almost 20miles each way. My issue is not bikes vs cars. Certainly drivers need to work on their respect. I was merely expressing the frustration at all the ‘weekend warriors’ who will ride to work today, piss off drivers and leave me to absorb the wrath the rest of the year.

    2. Gary

      I hope all of you continue to commute. I also agree with CertainSteel, just because you can ride down the right side of stalled traffic, cut across a the crosswalk, jump the red light, doesn’t mean you should do it. Just use some common sense and give drivers a chance to avoid you. You’ll live much longer.

  6. Tricia

    As a visitor from Ohio, I enjoyed the Bike to Work stations yesterday. Started out bad when I ended up on the upper West Seattle bridge after making a wrong turn. The motorists probably grumbled “there’s one of those damn cyclists riding where she’s not supposed to”. I hoped to find an exit ramp, but ended up walking against traffic in the bus lane on an entrance ramp and thankfully, there was only one bus. Got to city hall too late to hear much of the speech making. Does every new cyclist to Seattle always choose the street with the steepest hills? I missed the Ballard street party, was it fun?

    1. Gary

      maps.google.com and http://gmap-pedometer.com/ are a big help at picking good routes. You can almost ride the route if you drag the little google streetview man around.

      And glad you made it off that bridge safely. Also don’t be afraid to ask another cyclist for directions or to ride with you part of the way . Most of us are more than willing to take someone under our wing to make sure they get where they want to go.

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