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Seattle Crime: Stolen bikes found at Aurora Motel

Police seized a number of stolen bicycles and bike parts from a motel at 82nd and Aurora where a prolific bike thief was storing them. The April 6 investigation started while looking into an unrelated theft case, Seattle Crime reports:

While police were in the motel’s office, officers noticed a prolific bicycle thief’s ID sitting on the front counter.

The motel’s manager told police the man regularly visited tenants in a second-floor unit in the building, and “had tried to bring a group of bicycles up to” the room, but the manager apparently told the man he needed to leave his bikes on a bike rack outside the building.

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The manager then directed police to a collection of bikes left outside the motel, and officers ran the serial numbers on several bicycles and discovered they were reported stolen earlier this year.

While police were at the motel, another resident approached officers and told them he’d seen the prolific bike thief using a pickup truck parked outside of the building. A police report says officers ran the truck’s plate, and discovered it may have been used by suspects in another stolen property case.

Police went up to the second-floor room looking for the prolific bike thief, and found bicycle frames, parts, and tools inside.

Police believe the thief (or thieves) was selling the bicycles and parts on Craigslist. It is not clear if anyone was arrested, but no one appears to have been charged yet.

Here is an example of why it’s worth it to file a report if your bike is stolen. Police were able to determine the bikes were stolen by running the serial numbers. Remember, you can report bike thefts online now (for bikes under $500 in value).

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4 responses to “Seattle Crime: Stolen bikes found at Aurora Motel”

  1. My bike got stolen on July 12th in front of 611 Supreme in Capital Hill, Seattle. Can you post the info in here? Please let me know.

    My road bike got stolen last night around 11:00 pm (Tue. July 12th) in front of 611 Supreme restaurant which locates Pine and Boylston in Capital Hill. If anyone see black “SURLY CROSS CHECK” please let me know. Brooks saddle, Thomson seat post & stem, 243 riser handle bar, avid breaks (black), black grips, 700×40 tires, Shimano crankset with toe clips (single speed) and CHRIS KING HEAD SET IS UP SIDE DOWN! The serial # is M10070181. Thanks!

  2. Melissa Willoughby

    My bike was recently stolen from within my building garage. Value over $500. Where is the best place to post it so people buying used bikes can be on the look out? Reporting to police in addition.

  3. amanda hooshmand

    FOUND bicycle this morning in a park on a bush near Capitol Hill… It is VERY NICE and I would love to return it to its rightful owner, so if you lost a bike/had it stolen and think this may be yours, please provide details/specs and I’ll happily return it to you!

    1. Shogo Ota

      Hi Amanda,

      Could you check if the bike you found is like this?

      Black “SURLY CROSS CHECK”. Brooks saddle, Thomson seat post & stem, 243 riser handle bar, avid breaks (black), black grips, 700×40 tires, Shimano crankset with toe clips (single speed) and CHRIS KING HEAD SET IS UP SIDE DOWN! The serial # is M10070181.



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