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Bike News Roundup: Watch how ‘jaywalking’ became a crime

It’s time for the Bike News Roundup!

Don’t forget to vote! And whether you voted weeks ago or your ballot is still at home, you can join me for our first ever Procrastinator’s Voting Party, 5–6:30 p.m. at Chuck’s Hop Shop CD (20th/Union). We’ll then bike to the ballot box en route to the Move Seattle election party in Belltown (I’ll even deliver your ballot for you if you can’t join the ride).

Anyway, in mostly non-election news, here’s a look at some of the bikey stuff floating around the web recently. First up, here’s a great, short explanation of how the calculated derogatory term “jaywalking” became a crime:

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Pacific Northwest News

Halftime Show! Seattle Police helped train Bellevue Police in bicycle tactics. I’ve never been on a bicycle ride that includes live ammo target practice…

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7 responses to “Bike News Roundup: Watch how ‘jaywalking’ became a crime”

  1. William C.

    Thanks for the police training video!

    The live-ammunition practice makes me wonder – what if someone shoots at someone on a bike? How likely is it to hit something that’ll mess up the bike, whether the chain, the tires, or something else?

    1. Tom Fucoloro

      I’d be much more worried about the rider…

  2. From the sound of the article, not charging the drunk-driver with homicide was probably correct. But it’s probably more like a broken clock that’s right twice a day than wise discretion on the part of the prosecutor.

  3. jay

    Well, I’m offended!

    But a minor correction, the roads belong to the entitled toads driving the cars, not the machines themselves; “The motor-car went Poop-poop-poop, As it raced along the road. Who was it steered it into a pond? Ingenious Mr. Toad!”

    Machines probably wouldn’t be so bad as long as they followed Asimov’s three laws, maybe a big “if”; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_(short_story) still, if the machines decide to take over it won’t matter much if you have a manual control car when your credit card doesn’t work at the gas pump (or the grocery store), and the refineries aren’t working anyway.

    I for one welcome our new mechanical overlords.

    That story about the “Idaho stop” was interesting, of course most of the commenters totally ignored the: “Drivers did not do much better. They came to a complete stop just 22 percent of the time.”, but it was interesting that the Times even mentioned it.
    Sure, people on bicycles were much worse percentage wise, but as there are FAR more drivers the total number of drivers running stop signs dwarfs the number of bicycle riders, plus cars are much more deadly.
    Since there were only about 1600 “No” votes to the poll “Should Seattle allow bikes to yield instead of stopping at stop signs?” there is probably virtually zero chance that any of those No votes were cast by someone on their phone while running a stop sign in their car, but with a (much) larger sample there might be someone who did, considering how many drivers run stops and use their phone while driving, though there are probably very few who do online polls while driving. On the other hand, it is very likely that most those who voted “no” did run a stop sign in their car sometime that same day (not to mention speeding)

  4. Ever since the BMP Implementation Plan came out, I’ve been interested to see the rate of follow-through. With two months left, the 2015 projects are looking pretty good (the orange rows don’t necessarily represent delay, since the “2015” projects are really just projects that were supposed to start in 2015).

    1. (I’ll try to collect on-the-ground info for the yellow rows Thursday. Generally it should be expected that SDOT accomplishes in 2015 what they said they’d accomplish back in March! The future will be more interesting.)

  5. Law Abider

    Jaywalking should not be a crime, but the manner that I see some people jaywalking is downright criminal.

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May 8 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:15 pm Point83 @ Westlake Park
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May 9 @ 7:15 pm
Point83 @ Westlake Park
Meet up in the center of the park at 7ish. Leave at 730. Every Thursday from now until forever rain or shine. Bikes, beers, illegal firepits, nachos, bottlerockets, timetraveling, lollygagging, mechanicals, good times.ShareMastodonTwitterFacebookRedditEmail
10:00 am Little Brook Neighborhood Cleanup
Little Brook Neighborhood Cleanup
May 11 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Monthly 2nd Saturday Neighborhood Cleanup. If you want to help with cutting vegetation, bring your own good gloves and tools.  We have yard waste bags, grabbers, yellow bags for trash,  light weight gloves and vests.And, as[…]
9:00 am Mt Baker Hub Alliance 2nd Sunday…
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Central Seattle Greenways’ month… @ Zoom
May 13 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
To receive the Zoom link and meeting agendas, visit Central Seattle Greenways’ website at http://centralseattlegreenways.com to subscribe to our Google Group or email us at centralseattlegreenways@gmail.com.ShareMastodonTwitterFacebookRedditEmail
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