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So, how’s Seattle’s bike-to-school revolution going?

Pretty well, it seems:

Screen Shot 2014-05-07 at 2.02.05 PMToday was National Bike-to-School Day. Kids all over Seattle biked to class this morning. That’s not all that unusual, but there were definitely more than most days.

And Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Jose Banda joined one of two bike trains to Alki Elementary this morning. West Seattle Blog was there, of course:

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Bryant Elementary, the site of last year’s ride with Superintendent Banda, may have had their largest ride ever. And if you watch the video we made last year, that’s a whole lot of kid-powered transportation.

How was Bike-to-School Day at your/your kid’s school? Let us know in the comments!

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9 responses to “So, how’s Seattle’s bike-to-school revolution going?”

  1. Anthony

    Kick-butt! Sure love seeing all these youngsters getting out on two wheels. Great post, Tom!

  2. Jeff Dubrule

    Speaking of counting bikes & suchlike… The Fremont bridge counter is still “down for maintenance”

    Did we overload it last week, or something? The Spokane St. counter is showing record #s for last week, and a similar pattern this week, thus far.

  3. JasonK

    We had almost 50 ride to Wedgwood. Not bad for my first year as parent coordinator. Next year I want to double it!

  4. RTK

    My kids were both rode, glad to see nice weather. Makes it much more enjoyable.

  5. dave

    I counted about 75 bikes at Stevens Elementary on Capitol Hill. The person who’s been organizing the bike-to-school events there for the past several years said that they started with 5 kids biking to school in the first year, just 5-6 years ago. Now we have a bike parking problem and have decided that we need to install more racks.

  6. Matthew

    I remember riding with my children to Daniel Bagley Elementary School. It was fun and a lot of kids and parents participated. I haven’t seen anything similar with middle school or high school. I know the distances tend to be farther, but still within the range of many middle school and high school students. Maybe it’s still an infrastructure issue for some schools, but it would be great to see more events for older students.

    1. Clint

      We had about 50 students ride to Eckstein middle school on Wednesday. I think there were about 35 at Whitman. A few other middle schools have emerging programs as well. These are smaller numbers than elementary for sure, but hopefully the beginnings of a movement at the upper school levels. I agree there is huge potential there; the kids are capable and the distances are often bikeable!

  7. M

    We had around 20 at Lowell on Cap Hill. Lowell is at the top of the hill for an enormous feeder area, a small # of students, and most are bused so it was an impressive turn out. This was our first year, so may be able to boost it next year. The looks on the faces as they wheeled up sure were inspiring!

  8. Emily

    100 kids at McDonald International Elementary School in Wallingford!

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