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Cranksgiving 2013

Click image to expand or click here for a printable PDF.
Click image to expand or click here for a printable PDF.

Seattle’s fourth annual Cranksgiving is November 23, 2013.

A food drive scavenger hunt by bike, Cranksgiving is a fun way to tour some of Seattle’s most unique grocery stores and food stands, gathering food for Rainier Valley Food Bank.

We give you a list of food and grocers, and you gather as much as you can before time runs out. You get points for each item and each grocer, plus points for other bonus challenges. All the food will be donated immediately at the finish line.

Meet at 10:30 a.m. in Gas Works Park. The ride ends in Columbia City with an after-party at Ark Lodge Cinemas.

The event is free to enter, but expect to spend about $20 during the ride.

Last year, riders gathered and donated more than 500 pounds of food from grocers all over the city. You can see photos from the ride here. We hope this year will be the biggest Cranksgiving ever.

And it better be, because this is the first year we have a Cascadia challenger: Portland (booo!). Yes, Seattle’s southernmost suburb has decided to host it’s first* Cranksgiving this year (*they actually held one in 2008, but this is the first in what PuddleCycle hopes to be an annual event). They even called us out, claiming they think they can get more riders than we can. There is a yet-to-be-acquired gaudy trophy at stake here, and I want it.

So join us! And share the event with all your friends via Facebook. You can ride solo or in teams up to 3. Bring a pen, a way to carry food and a camera for the photo challenges.

Costumes are encouraged (there may even be a prize for the best one). There will also be a raffle, so you don’t have to race to win awesome stuff!

Speaking of awesome stuff, huge thanks to our sponsors: Ark Lodge Cinemas, Bicycle Benefits, Hub & Bespoke, Alchemy Goods, Iva Jean, Swift Industries, G & O Family Cyclery and Rainbow Natural Remedies.

What is Cranksgiving?

Cranksgiving began on the east coast in 1999. Since then, the idea has spread to cities all across the country and has taken on many forms from competitive alleycats to huge family-friendly rides run by bike clubs. Seattle Bike Blog organized Seattle’s first Cranksgiving ride in 2010.

In Seattle, the ride is a fun scavenger hunt that takes people all around the city buying food items from a list of various local and unique food sellers. While there are prizes for those who like to compete, most participants are simply in it for the fun, the good company and to give what they can on Rainier Valley Food Bank’s biggest food distribution day of the year.

There is no set route, only a list of food outlets and items (and, new this year, photo challenges, so bring a camera). The ride is free to enter, but you will need to buy food during your adventure. Buy items from as many outlets as you can and get to the finish line before the time runs out. And, of course, you are encouraged to wear a costume.

For more details, to jump in as a sponsor or for a media contact, email [email protected] or call 206.696.3059.

To help advertise the event, you can download a letter-sized PDF of the event poster here. If you want to help distribute flyers, get in touch. We can supply you with some if needed.


8 responses to “Cranksgiving 2013”

  1. Bradley Kamcheff

    When are details on this event going to be available?

    1. Tom Fucoloro

      Just updated!

  2. merlin

    I think you need a prize category that I could win. Like maybe multiply points times my advanced age. Or just give me a prize for showing up at all at my advanced age!

    1. Andres Salomon

      I was thinking the same thing. Like, a Last Place prize that we would’ve won on the 2nd Cranksgiving, when my team included my very pregnant wife. Or a “Most Drooled-Upon Donated Items”, which my toddler would help me to win this year.

  3. tayloy

    Would a cargo trailer be recommended?

  4. […] year, another Cranksgiving! We’ve participated three out of four times now–the first, third, and this fourth one […]

  5. […] when you imagined a 2-mile flat path. Happily, this weekend a good friend of mine agreed to try out Cranksgiving Seattle 2013, a charity bike scavenger hunt that donates to the Rainier Valley Food Bank. So I got to fulfill my […]

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