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Seattle Transportation Plan open houses will discuss the next decade of bicycle infrastructure

The bicycle and e-mobility map from the Seattle Transportation Plan.
Stitched together screenshots (large image) of the interactive online bike network map from the city’s survey.
Map key: Long trips (orange): A network of travel ways that support longer trips to other neighborhoods. They are designed to accommodate high volumes people traveling at varying speeds. Short trips (blue): A network of travel ways that support shorter trips within a neighborhood to connect to parks, schools, transit, grocery stores, and neighborhood centers that meet daily needs. Multi-use paths or trails (green): Facilities located off the street that may be used by people biking, walking, rolling, running, skateboarding, and more. These may be used for long trips, short trips, and recreational use.
Color-coded key for the map above.

After extensive public outreach throughout 2022, the Seattle Transportation Plan is moving to the next phase as the team attempts to create a single map and plan that represents the city’s vision for the next decade or so of transportation investments.

As happens every time the city asks the people of Seattle about their vision for our transportation future, people respond with strong support for transit, walking and biking.

97% of respondents said the city should “prioritize creating a transportation system that is safe and comfortable for everyone” while 91% said they “support putting money towards sidewalks, bike lanes, etc., to help people walk, roll, and bike more.” The city also received 6,317 different comments on their first online feedback map, and 1,800 of those were specifically about needed bike improvements. You can read more about the responses in the Phase 1 outreach summary (PDF).

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In Phase 2 of public outreach, the team “will share what we heard from you during Phase 1 and show how your input is guiding the plan’s vision, goals, and objectives.,” according to an online survey that is open through February 21. “Please share how you want to get around in the future, what actions you would like us to take, and what you’d like to see in our draft transportation maps.”

In addition to the online survey, you can also attend one of two open houses:

  • 1/28: Seattle City Hall (600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104) Bertha Knight Landes room (11am–2pm)
  • 1/31: Seattle City Hall (600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104) Bertha Knight Landes room (4pm–7pm)

Cascade Bicycle Club has put together some talking points people can use during the open house and in your comments:

  • I prefer bike routes that are built on arterials wherever possible. Safe bike routes along arterials provide direct and convenient connections to essential services, transit connections, and other daily needs.

  • The bike network must fill gaps in routes to everyday destinations. Gaps in bike infrastructure leave people unprotected, often requiring them to bike near fast-moving vehicles. This is both scary and dangerous, and these gaps prevent many people from bicycling. We want a connected bike network that encourages riders of all ages and abilities to bike to their destinations without worrying that a bike lane will suddenly end.

  • The network must be built so that people of all ages and abilities feel safe and comfortable. Right now, the proposed maps don’t define whether the city will build protected bike lanes, striped bike lanes, or something else. We want the city to build protected bike infrastructure wherever possible. If the routes don’t feel safe for people of all ages and abilities, fewer people will use them.

  • I support the concept of streets as public spaces. The addition of a “people’s streets and public spaces” map in this transportation plan is exciting! We want the city to develop these in partnership with communities in every Seattle neighborhood. Let’s create pedestrian-friendly and low/no-car areas that foster community, decrease carbon emissions, and improve health.

Seattle Bike Blog is working on a more in-depth look at the developing bike network map, so stay tuned.

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