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Last chance to comment on the scope of the Seattle Transportation Plan

Friday (July 29) is the last day to comment on a key phase in the development of the extremely important Seattle Transportation Plan. Comments on the scope of the plan will help guide the environmental review process. We need to make sure this plan is as bold as possible to set the stage for major investments in walking, biking, transit and safety.

This is different than the plan’s survey and comment map, which will accept submissions through the end of August.

If you haven’t commented yet on the environmental study scope yet, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways has created a handy form you can use to support their list of 5 suggestions. Their sample letter:

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Dear SDOT,

Before moving forward with SEPA analysis for the Seattle Transportation Plan, please revise the proposed alternatives in the following way:

  1. Delete Alternative 2 which would be a failure of our necessary climate goals. Seattle must be a leader on a just transition to a sustainable future, and failing to do so by 2044 should not be studied as an option.
  2. Add a bold Alternative 4. We need a new alternative that makes bold progress in the next decade, rather than waiting for 2044. We need an alternative that rapidly makes walking, biking, and transit the most convenient, safe, and comfortable ways to get around Seattle. Let’s plan for an accessible city for all where sidewalks and crosswalks are ubiquitous. Let’s plan for a bike friendly city where every street is safe to bike on. Let’s plan for a city where frequent transit is prioritized over the movement of cars. Let’s plan for a city where our streets are recognized as public space for play, community building, trees, gardens, cafes, and so much more! In short, let’s plan for a future that is more sustainable, equitable, safe, affordable, healthy, accessible, and thriving.
  3. Plan for an affordable 15 Minute City. Please revise the alternatives to plan for a city where everyone has an affordable home, and where daily needs are within a short walk or roll. These strategies must be developed in concert with the land use plan to be effective and equitable.
  4. Improve the “themes” used to evaluate the alternatives. Please improve the universal design theme away from app solutions and towards the needs of non-drivers and people with disabilities. Please add public space, kid-friendly, elderly-friendly, and noise pollution as new themes to better help understand the outcomes that different alternatives would create.
  5. Reduce the over-emphasis on vehicle electrification: The draft alternatives envision a large role for the City of Seattle in promoting private electric vehicles. SDOT should instead focus on what it has the most control over: prioritizing investments and street space so that walking, biking, and transit are the most convenient, safe, and comfortable ways to get around.


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One response to “Last chance to comment on the scope of the Seattle Transportation Plan”

  1. Peri Hartman

    Thanks, Tom. Here’s my “personal statement,” as allowed in the form:

    As our city gets denser, the streets play a more and more important role in livability. Streets aren’t just a place for cars and trucks. They are our open space and our connections to neighbors, our neighborhood, and our front doors. They need to be people friendly first.

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