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Alert: Some UW Station bike racks will be replaced with lockers starting Monday, so careful where you lock up

Sound Transit is moving and replacing some bike racks near UW Station to install new on-demand secure bike lockers starting next week, so be extra careful about which racks you use. Look around for a “Rider Alert” sign before locking your ride.

The total number of bike parking spaces should remain essentially the same. Today there are 286 open air bike parking spaces. After the lockers are installed, there will be 228 rack spaces and 60 locker spaces (288 total).

Sound Transit started installing on-demand BikeLink lockers just this year, though King County Metro has been using them for a few years now. They are not free like the open air racks and they require you to sign up for an account in advance, but I’m sure there are people out there willing to pay a few cents an hour for extra bike security.

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Here’s a tweet from Sound Transit showing the kind of sign to look out for:


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One response to “Alert: Some UW Station bike racks will be replaced with lockers starting Monday, so careful where you lock up”

  1. Matt

    I’m a bit sad they’re removing the nice racks and leaving the crappy coat hangar racks.

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