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Bike News Roundup: Batman parks in a bike lane

It’s time for the Bike News Roundup! Here’s a look at some of the stuff floating around the web that caught my eye recently.

First up! Seattle Police tweeted this the other day:

Pacific Northwest News

Halftime Show! Bellevue and King County Metro have partnered to trial a quick and easy method to create a bus island with a protected bike lane. Check it out (starts at 4:50):

National & Global News

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5 responses to “Bike News Roundup: Batman parks in a bike lane”

  1. asdf2

    Of course, it’s completely inconceivable for this weekend’s tunnel ride to have a south-end start option for people living in West Seattle, with result being a lot of unnecessary driving and parking in downtown Seattle.

    The water taxi doesn’t run weekends, so the only non-car options are to either add an additional 16 miles round trip, which covers largely the same terrain as the ride itself, or ride a bus, which can only hold a maximum of 3 bikes per bus running every 15 minutes, or 12 bikes per hour.

    An alternate starting point, say, the parking lot under the West Seattle bridge, would go a long way, and also help better distribute the crowds and increase capacity. The exit ramp from 99 southbound to Spokane St. could be used as both the entrance and exit.

    1. Law Abider

      Of course, it’s completely inconceivable for this weekend’s tunnel ride to have a south-end start option for people living in West Seattle, with result being a lot of unnecessary driving and parking in downtown Seattle.

      If only there was another way to get to the starting line of a bike ride that didn’t involve driving or parking…🤔🤔🤔

    2. Q

      Breaking news – West Seattle Resident thinks a downtown tunnel event should cater to West Seattle Residents to the extent of taking place in West Seattle instead.


  2. Southeasterner

    Proposal was submitted through the Neighborhood Streets fund to make Ballard Ave pedestrian only!


    Tons of other great ped/bike improvements were submitted:


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