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Bike News Roundup: How NOT to lock your bike

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3 responses to “Bike News Roundup: How NOT to lock your bike”

  1. Chris

    I saw that the Aurora and John, Republican, etc intersections were leading in the voting. I’m not sure I agree, there’s no actual crossing of Aurora there. Sure there’s a barrier to crossing, but I’d focus on existing intersections that are bad for walking. The Bridge Way intersection is pretty sketchy off Aurora.

    I’d suggest the intersections that have the highest pedestrian/car hits as the worst, the city says those are 9th and James, 3rd and Pike, and 8th and Pike.

  2. Andreas

    Re bike camping, even if bikeportland.org hadn’t put together that Google map, PBOT’s fantastic bike touring page makes planning a bike camping trip pretty easy. SDOT (or WSDOT) has nothing that comes close, though quite frankly I don’t think we have much worth mapping anyway: we likely don’t have anywhere near as many campsites within 75 miles of Seattle as there are within 75 of Portland.

    Oregon also has tons of campsites (many with hot showers) meant just for hikers & bikers and that cost only about $5 a night. California has similar sites for similar fees. In WA, the cheapest campsites usually have no amenities other than vault toilets—definitely no hot water—and they cost the same if you’re on foot, on bike, or in a Hummer: $14 a night (though that drops to $12 in May).

    Maybe I’m just not looking in the right places, but from what I can tell it seems like the best way to start a Seattle bike camping trip is to put your bike on a bus or train and head about 175 miles south.

  3. Kashina

    @Andreas, Our bike camping options aren’t as great as Oregon’s (especially the OR coast), but there are hiker/biker sites at a number of state parks in the area. Deception Pass, Moran (ok, that’s not really within a day’s ride), and Fort Townsend (a few miles outside town) come to mind. I’ve negotiated lower prices at some WA state parks when arriving alone on a bike (with limited success). And remember, you can legally camp anywhere in the national forest.

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