Tag: 2023 legislature
Under new law, Washington communities must plan around ‘multimodal level of service’
Imagine a street in your neighborhood that is difficult to cross on foot, scary to bike on and/or where buses are constantly getting stuck in car traffic. I know, this was not a difficult imagination exercise. Streets like this are everywhere in Washington State. But when people try to get their city, county or—worst of…
WA budget includes emphasis on safety + E-bike incentives
The Washington State legislature has officially passed the 2023-25 budget, which includes significant increases in traffic safety funding as well as new e-bike incentives. Washington Bikes celebrated the budget news, calling the investments in biking and walking “unprecedented.” The appropriations (PDF) for the three-year period include $175.5 million for “active transportation” projects and programs, including…
Why an e-bike incentive program is one of the best transportation investments Washington can make
The Washington State Senate and House are both mulling over how to incentivize more residents to ride electric bicycles, and the Senate’s version of the state budget would provide a $300 rebate for any state resident who buts an e-bike or $1,200 for low-income e-bike buyers. These rebates would bring the cost of owning an…
Disability Rights Washington, Front and Centered call on state to fund $10M sidewalk assessment
Here’s something weird: We don’t really know where sidewalks do or do not exist in Washington State. We have some ideas, but no comprehensive dataset. Our bad data is even worse if you need to know which sidewalks and curb cuts are accessible. It is also difficult to know how much money the public needs…
WA Bikes: Here come the state budget proposals
For those who have never paid attention to a Washington State legislative session before, we are about to enter the next distinct phase of the session: The budget. The early months of the session are mostly focused on general policy changes, though the budget is always a giant looming over the session. After a series…
WA Bikes: Driver’s license review bill ‘very likely’ + More legislature updates
We are well into the phase of the legislative session where it becomes really difficult to keep track of which bills are moving, which ones are stalled, which have been amended to be better, which have been amended to be worse, and which are dead. So I highly suggest signing up for legislative updates from…
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- WSDOT: Promised e-bike rebate program still far from launching
- At memorial bike ride for her husband, Rita Hulsman asked attendees to vote yes on the transportation levy she worked to strengthen
- Seattle will pay $5.75M to two people who say streetcar tracks caused their bike crashes
- Alert 9/16-10/4: Snoqualmie Valley Trail closed north of Rattlesnake Lake
- Saturday: Cascade will host 3 rides in memory of Steve Hulsman
- Cascade: ‘Vote NO on I-2117 if you love bikes and trails’
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