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Seattleite Lindsay Caron seriously injured while biking in San Diego

Photo of Lindsay riding a bike and smiling.
From her Instagram.

Seattle resident Lindsay Caron was seriously injured while biking in San Diego last week when someone struck her from behind and drove away.

She is in the hospital in San Diego, where doctors have kept her in a medically-induced coma. Caron’s friends reached out to share a GoFundMe set up to help with her likely long recovery:

Our sweet Lindsay was seriously injured in a hit and run incident while bicycling in San Diego on Monday, April 19th. For the week since the accident, doctors have kept Lindsay in a medically induced coma to rest and protect her brain. She has undergone extensive surgeries on her brain, skull, face, and pelvis. We won’t know the extent of her condition until they wake her up and run tests, which could be days away.  There are many unknowns, but one thing is certain, the road to recovery will be long and difficult no matter the outcome.

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Many of us know Lindsay for her generous friendship and her love of bicycling, skiing, acro-yoga, music, and dance. She’s a thoughtful and creative entrepreneur dedicated to improving lives. The sparkle in her eye and her mischievous laugh brightens every room (or mountain summit).

Please send her your love, and we’ll post updates on her condition as we learn more. Lindsay has touched so many lives, in circles across the country and around the globe. Let’s share gratitude for the joy she’s brought to our world and hope for good news in the coming days. I can’t encapsulate all that Lindsay means to her many communities in this intro, so please feel free to leave comments about the ways that Lindsay has brought joy to your world.

This initial fundraiser is a landing page for our collective support. We don’t know yet what the need will be or what insurance will cover, but all funds will be used for medical expenses and to support Lindsay and her family with the expenses related to this event and related to her recovery. We anticipate that the fundraiser amount may be revised as we learn more, and we will continue to update you about how funds will be used here.

Hang in there Lindsay! Much love❤️

Before moving to Seattle, Caron was active in the Portland bike scene, Bike Portland reports.

Sending our best wishes to Lindsay as well as her friends and family.

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8 responses to “Seattleite Lindsay Caron seriously injured while biking in San Diego”

  1. David

    Hope the fool gets caught & is responsible for all of her bills. A real shame.

    And she seems just like the type of person to get more people biking.

    Updates, please.

    1. Max

      As of yesterday, Lindsay was in stable condition, but still in the medically induced coma. No update on longer term prognosis.

      From what we’ve heard, the police found the vehicle and have a suspect. . . Who denies bring the driver.

      Lindsay is a force for good in the world and we hope she can recover and get back to it!

      1. Tish

        Lindsay was due to come stay at my Airbnb in Mill Valley CA on April 27. When she didn’t check in and her voicemail was full, I researched her name to discover the accident. I wanted to pass along this info to her close friends that I am working with Airbnb to get her money refunded.

      2. Tish

        I’m sending strength and support to Lindsay, family and friends. She is clearly deeply loved and a community builder.

      3. Max

        Thanks Trish, I’ll pass it on to get family.

      4. Tish

        Max, any word on how Lindsay is doing?

      5. Max

        I wish I had some real news, stable, still in an induced coma. I think the doctors are positive.

      6. David

        She’s still in a medically induced coma? Since April 19th?!

        Daggone – as long as she’s stable, this is better than not being stable. Still, I was hoping to hear that she was conscious.

        Prosecute the fool & get the max money possible so that he goes bankrupt & not her.

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