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Scenes from Bicycle Sundae

At the finish, eating ice cream in the sunshine
At the finish, eating ice cream in the sunshine

Big thanks to everyone who biked and ate ice cream with us for Bicycle Sundae! 46 people registered for the scavenger hunt bike ride, which toured some of the city’s many great ice cream, gelato and frozen yogurt shops.

Riders were given a list of clues and had to figure out which shop to go to and how to get there. Some shops had free ice cream for riders, which is basically the bike version of stopping at a fueling station. Mmmmm delicious fuel…

Big thanks to Bicycle Benefits, which helped organize and host the ride. Thanks to Verity Credit Union, which sponsored the event, and all the shops along the way for hosting riders: Full Tilt shops in Ballard, U District and Columbia City, Sirena Gelato, Old School Frozen Custard, Bluebird Ice Cream, Ben & Jerry’s, Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt and Six Strawberries. All the shops have everyday Bicycle Benefits deals. Here’s a map of all the Seattle businesses that offer deals.

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Below are some of the riders’ photos posted via Facebook and Twitter. We’ll have to do this again some time! Stay tuned for more Seattle Bike Blog events coming up.

From @NESeattleGreenways:


From @smloosh:BpEvwkACcAM2p5E

From @buscommuter:BpFIObmIMAAaVWK

From Elaine:10378271_10152386851421066_9152178415221408835_n

From Robin:10355716_10202146209044206_1616913460878431288_n

From Nicole:10390432_10105231689169781_6254389773968248900_n

From Erin:10341539_853877106675_4413003039496798085_nFrom Mike:

10255310_10101894205109640_7126918839776764737_oFrom Amy:

10344392_10152237380830889_8223235645151691721_oFrom Madelaine:

10348232_10152883418068047_1119297446854061631_n Here’s the manifest:

bicyclesundaemanifest1 copy

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14 responses to “Scenes from Bicycle Sundae”

  1. SashaBikes

    So. Much. FUN! Thank you, again!

  2. Kale

    I want to do another!

    1. Tom Fucoloro

      Congrats on winning!

      1. Kale

        Thanks Tom, I appreciate all the work you put into the event and into this blog!

  3. Gary

    Ok, time to interject the food critic comment here, but really the last thing any of us need to eat is ice cream. It’s not the fat, it’s not the calories, it’s not even the dairy, it’s the sugar. Assume that we are riding for our health, and that of the planet, it’s time to change the rewards from sugar to something else.


    1. Jayne

      Boo frickin hoo. Seriously. I’m sure someone could point out something way worse than sugar that you’re doing, and it would be just as pointless as your little opinion.

      1. Reilly

        Maybe Gary needs the experience the joy of a choco-taco.

      2. Gary

        chaco-taco?…. I hear it calling… must resist the call of chocolate!….

        No seriously, I’m riding full time and I’m not losing weight… I’ve had to re-evaluate what is in the food I am chosing to replace those burned calories.

    2. the LAST thing? I can think of a lot worse. When people ride 25 miles in the hot sun, believe me, they burn the sugar.
      The rewards of that bike ride? Sheer fun.. get over yourself.

    3. Lisa

      Good thing I’m not riding for my health.

  4. Chase

    We had a great time, thanks for putting it on Tom. The tandem my girlfriend and I rode may not have been the ideal choice but we made it in the end… the sugar helped.

  5. Amy

    I got real sunburned. but it was worth it!! yay for ice cream!!

  6. I had a great time on this ride. I was so impressed with my fellow riders. See you next year!

  7. Lisa

    Thanks for organizing! It was a blast, and my second-longest ride ever!

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