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Woman biking in Monroe killed, driver flees scene

A pickup driver killed a woman biking on Highway 2 in Monroe Wednesday night, then fled the scene. The collision happened at 7:37 p.m. near the intersection of Highway 2 and Old Own Road.

The pickup was stopped behind another vehicle, and the driver started revving its engine. The driver then pulled quickly around the vehicle in front of it, striking the woman in the process, according to the Seattle Times.

Police are searching for more information in the case. Call the Monroe Police Department at 360-794-6300 or the anonymous tip line at 360-863-4600.

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Condolences to her friends and family.

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14 responses to “Woman biking in Monroe killed, driver flees scene”

  1. Tom Fucoloro

    A person walking was also killed last night. Struck at NE 110th and Lake City Way: http://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2012/12/27/carpedestrian-fatality-collision-investigation-on-lake-city-way-ne/

    We have to do more to stop senseless traffic deaths. So sad.

  2. Sarah

    With 40,000+ killed every year due to automobile accidents, like the old joke says, “If cars were a disease, there’d be a telethon to combat them.”

  3. John

    The weather was bad last night. Just shows that bikers need to drive defensively because you will lose every time when mixing it up with 5000lbs of steel. And do everything possible to make yourself visible to drivers.

    Reflective and bright colored clothing, lights, reflectors. Whatever it takes.

    Just look at a typical car for instance. Not only is it big and obvious but look at how many lights it has on the front, side and rear. And how the rear ones double as reflectors. Add up the square inches of all that. There has been a lot of research on drivers and driver awareness over the years. These elements are getting larger as a result. Now compare the relative visibility of a car to your bike. And then ponder for moment what happens if someone doesn’t see a car vs. your bike. Now go out and ride your bikes… in a way that you expect drivers to see you as well as you make it easy for them to see you. Good luck.

    1. Andrew

      Do not blame the cyclist. The driver is responsible due to the fact that they crossed out of their lane instead of waiting. I see this all the time both in my car and on my bike. All road users need to behave in a predictable manner.

    2. Matthew

      @John: your “ride defensively/wear reflective neon/good luck” comment indicates you didn’t read the article.

      – Ride Defensively: the victim was at a traffic light. Stopped. Legally. Where she belonged. What else should she have done?
      – Wear reflective neon: there was zero mention of what she was wearing, or whether she had a light show on her bike to rival Vegas. You assumed she had nothing for visibility.
      – Good Luck: Seriously? A family is now missing a member, and the best you can come up with is “good luck”. It’s like you believe that riding a bike is to take your life into your own hands, with zero responsibility on the part of the reckless motorist, acting asocially and fecklessly at a traffic light.

      What’s wrong with you?

      To the family of the victim: my deepest condolences. I can’t imagine how gutted you must feel right now.

      1. Rick

        I’m typically lit up like a Christmas tree when I ride at night, and I’ve still been nearly hit by cars on a number of occasions. Some people don’t see you no matter what you do, some people don’t care that you’re there, and some people seem to use bike lights for target acquisition. There isn’t much you can do against people like these except stay home and I’m not going to do that.

        The one time that I’ve been hit at night was less black and white though. The idiot cyclist about 30 feet in front of me had no lights. A car nearly hit him, and in the process of recovering from the near-miss the car hit me.

    3. Todd

      No this sap didn’t read the article. But deep down everyone of us knows this to be true. If you don’t, I’d say your chances out there are not good. But back to the main point, I hope they catch this ass and throw him/her in jail for a long, long time. A hit and run says it all.

  4. No victim-blaming. In places where cycling is popular, safe, and mainstream drivers are held responsible for their actions behind the wheel of multi-ton vehicles. When a driver behaves dangerously and aggressively, hits a cyclist, then cowardly leaves the scene, it isn’t cyclists that need a lecture.

  5. Cp

    I know the mother of the woman killed – she is devastated. Absolutely devastated.

  6. The murder was gruesome and the details not in Sea Bike Blog’s post. After the truck struck her, she was thrown into oncoming traffic where two more cars struck her. The troll John’s comment is a good indication of the challenge facing bike advocacy in the States.

  7. because the pickup truck was stolen.

    The driver/thief was in getaway mode and would not have hit the cyclist had he not gotten frustrated with the driver in front of him who was waiting for the cyclist to finish crossing in front of him/her, and then dashed around the car to get away…

    The pickup truck has been found. With luck there’s forensic evidence of who was driving.

    And the anti-cyclist is correct. This isn’t Europe or other nations where bicyclists enjoy using their bicycles for transportation, exercise and to be able to appreciate the evirons. It’s dog-eat-dog America, where such ideas are subservient to the almighty motor.

  8. Mondoman

    In defense of John’s post, I just read it as “while the motorist is clearly legally and morally responsible here, do all you can to avoid being legally and morally in the right, but physically dead.”

    1. Erik Busse

      Mondoman, some people/things/situations put people in places where no matter what they do they are more vulnerable placing a higher level of responsibility on those who are in a position of force or strength. Whether a cyclist, pedestrian, driver in a car, old age, injury, frailty etc. we all have or will find ourselves in a position of vulnerability compared to much stronger forces regardless of what measures we take and as such your statement is insensitive at best. It is also stating the obvious and adds nothing to the conversation. You should do the best you can to stay alive whether driving, running, walking, skiing, swimming, cycling, etc. Would you speak that way to the face of this woman’s family? Would you make the same statement if say a family member was out driving a compact car (cycle) and got mowed down by a semi-truck (car)? Would you make the statement if it were in a discussion among individuals or are you ok hiding behind the name Mondoman?

  9. […] apparently impatient person driving a late 80s or early 90s Ford F-Series pickup truck killed Pesce while she crossed the street on her bicycle in Monroe the day after Christmas. The person driving […]

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