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Injured Kent bike mechanic Fred Rehberger dies

Fred Rehberger

Fred Rehberger, a racer and mechanic at Northwest Tri and Bike in Kent, was seriously injured when a car struck him on the way to work February 29.

He was taken to Harborview in critical condition, but he could not recover. He was taken off life support March 9 and died shortly before midnight.

Condolences to his friends and family.

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Services are being planned. We update when the details are finalized. Sarah, one of Fred’s family members, left this comment on our previous post:

This is Sarah. I am Fred’s brother’s mother in law and I was “Nanny” to Fred as well. It is with a broken heart that I tell you Fred was taken off life support and gently passed away last night. My heart cries for my son in law, my daughter, who was holding Fred’s hand when he passed and all Fred’s wonderful friends and coworkers.

From NWTB:

It’s with deep sadness that we bring you the news that Fred passed away last night at about 11:30.   His brother and sister-in-law and close friends were with him and able to say goodbye and wish him well.   That was a blessing for everyone.

We’ve learned over the last week how many people Fred knew….how many nice things he did for people…how warm and generous and genuine he was.    Fred was immersed deeply in the bike culture of Seattle but there was much, much more to Fred and at NWTB we were so enjoying getting to know each other.  He could sing any song, tell us what was happening in the news, give regular movie reviews, suggest books to read….

We’ll always be grateful for the gift he was to us and for his friendship.  He was an absolute treasure for a new shop.

There will be information posted soon about a fund you can donate to if you wish.  Rides are being planned, a service will happen soon.  We will celebrate Fred’s life.

Rest in peace, dear Fred.

UPDATE: NWTB has posted the details for the March 14 visitation and March 15 service.

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16 responses to “Injured Kent bike mechanic Fred Rehberger dies”

  1. Todd

    Sad day indeed.

  2. Sandra Sutherland

    I just think it’s nice, if a loved one must depart, if someone is holding their hand as they go. I’ve had the privilege of doing that twice now, and I hope someone will be there when it’s my turn. So sorry, to the family.

  3. Dana

    Sandy, this is Dana, Fred’s sister in law. I stayed with him until he passed, holding his hand, telling him how much he was loved and cherished. It was an honor to me to be with him and comfort him. My heart is broken, and right now I feel that I will never get over this… but it warms me to know that I was able to be there for Fred when he needed me most.

    1. Dave L

      I’m very sorry for your loss.

      1. Gary

        Me too. A bunch of postings isn’t a hug. I am glad you were able to do for Fred what he needed for his last days.

    2. Rick Mohler

      I live with Fred in Apex he was such an awesome guy I tried to get in touch with him over the years oh man this is hard

  4. Erik Busse

    Fred had worked on my bike a number of times when covering at Counterbalance. He was always friendly and willing to talk about cycling. This is horrible. My condolences to his family.

  5. Kirk from Ballard

    Very sad indeed. My condolences to the family. Why is there so little media coverage of this cyclist’s death? I can’t find any details. Who hit him? What happened? Where did it happen?

    1. Gary

      I know, I didn’t see anything in the Seattle Times about this.

  6. Leif

    I never met this man, but it sounds like he is the type of person who we should all aspire to be more like. Condolences to the family. Stay safe out there and keep riding, I’m sure Fred would want that.

    1. Rick Mohler

      Thank you for being there for him he was awesome

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  8. […] in critical condition and put on life support. Ten days later, he was taken off life support and died from his injuries at the stroke of midnight March 10. He was […]

  9. Jim

    I never knew Fred, it wasn’t until I saw the Ghostbike on Military Rd that I finally decided to find out who it was for that lead me here. Sounded like he was a great guy too, sad to hear about things like this especially someone so young. Our condolences to Fred’s family.

  10. Kirk Port

    I just received the news about Fred’s passing 6 months after the fact. My condolences to friends and family. It’s been a long time, 20+ years, but I used to ride/race with Fred back in the mid to late 80’s in Cary, North Carolina. He was always enthusiastic and upbeat. I can vaguely remember him moving to the west coast. Very saddened to hear about his passing. RIP Fred.

  11. Mark McLean

    I just heard about Fred’s passing today; I am so sad. I was good friends with him in high school and while he lived here in N.C. I lost touch with Fred when he moved to Seattle. I will always remember him as he was to everyone — very kind, passionate about whatever you had to share, and a great smile. You will be sorely missed Fred. RIP

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