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Ballots are due tomorrow – Get your friends to vote yes on Prop 1

Beacon Hill residents celebrate a proposed neighborhood greenway route. Prop 1 would help this become reality.

Only 20 percent of ballots have been returned, which is not necessarily a good sign for Prop 1. Prop 1 would fund road safety and repairs as well as transit improvements. The proposition did not poll well among some of the most “votey” demographics, such as the elderly.

That means you need to work extra hard today and tomorrow to get your friends, co-workers and family to vote yes on Prop 1 and turn in their ballots. Give them a stamp or offer to take their completed ballot to a King County elections drop box (at the Ballard Library, Magnuson Park and downtown at 4th and Jefferson).

Prop 1 would jump-start our city’s network of neighborhood greenways, which have the power to change the way people get around their neighborhoods. Prop 1 would also give a huge bump to the pedestrian master plan and would fund road projects designed to move buses significantly faster.

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Without Prop 1, we are looking at cuts to the bicycle spot program and a delay of the scheduled Bicycle Master Plan five-year update. Any funding for neighborhood greenways could come at the expense of other much-needed projects noted in the Bicycle Master Plan, such as vital missing connections between neighborhoods and reworking of chronically dangerous spots around the city.

Prop 1 is a 10-year step in the right direction using the best funding mechanism currently available: A $60 vehicle license fee. It’s not the vehicle excise tax (based on a vehicle’s value) that I would prefer, but that  tool has been taken off the table by Tim Eyman initiatives.

Doing nothing is not an option. Prop 1 is a step in the right direction.

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4 responses to “Ballots are due tomorrow – Get your friends to vote yes on Prop 1”

  1. Todd

    Bullshit. Vote down this proposition.

  2. Todd

    What the heck? I flat out refute your recommendation and nobody jumps in to rebut? It makes me think everyone has already made up their minds or there are a bunch of apathetic people reading your blog Tom. Ugh. :)

  3. Gary

    It’s Seattle “politeness.” The word on the blogs elsewhere was that the tax was too regressive and the funding the projects too nebulous. Folks wanted the tax tied to wealth, ie MVET on value, and projects named out with specific street maintenance. Forget street car planning, new bicycle master plans. When times are tough, focus on the basics.

    Besides its not like this tax won’t come back next voting cycle.

    1. dan

      Incorrect, Read the Seattle Times comments on this Prop failing. Most people would have voted yes had bikes not been on it. If it was turned down because times were tough, how do you explain the Child levy being passed? We decided to add that burden to our wallets.

2024 Voter Guide

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