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That was fast: SEEC throws out Prop 1 opponents’ ‘frivolous’ claim

It didn’t take long for the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission to reject a complaint from Proposition 1 opponents Citizens Against Raising Car Tabs (CARCT, pronounced “car city,” I believe…)

As Streets for All, Cascade Bicycle Club and Transportation Choices Coalition had anticipated, the commission found no foul play or reason to believe any taxpayer money had been used in the Streets for All campaign to pass TBD Proposition 1.

Cascade used the opportunity again to rally members to pass Prop 1:

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By filing frivolous complaints like this, our opposition shows they are grasping at straws because their position has so little substance. This is a distraction technique.

You see, there is a struggle going on. A struggle for the vision of what will make our city and region great. You know you can count on Cascade to stand strong for a better future. On the Missing Link. On Transportation 2040. On the tunnel. In the legislature. In our classes. In our communities.

And right here on our city streets.

This is what Proposition 1 is about. The future. For some reason, our opposition is satisfied with a future that maintains the status quo where our buses are slow and unreliable, where it’s not always safe to cross the street or for our kids to walk or bike to school, and where our roads our littered with potholes.

We see a different future, a vision we believe you share. You and I are making incremental changes that will add up to a sustainable future. And people want to stop us from making that progress toward that vision.

Stand strong with us. Don’t let these bullies knock you down. The next incremental change we need to make is to approve Proposition 1 in the next election. So please, get up to speed, volunteer to help, support the campaign, tell your friends and let’s make progress happen.

Here’s the rejection document from the SEEC:

Ethics commission – dismissed

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One response to “That was fast: SEEC throws out Prop 1 opponents’ ‘frivolous’ claim”

  1. “Car City” That’s hilarious!

    Hogland is one sad dude. He fought for the rebuild of the viaduct, is good friends with Elizabeth Campbell, fought hard against the Nickerson bike lanes and inserted an anti bike lane proviso into the 36th district Democratic Party Platform last election cycle. You read that right, he caucuses with the Democrats. Man, with friends like these……………..

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