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Landslide-prone stretch of Burke-Gilman closed for weekend – UPDATED

UPDATE 4/12 – The trail is open now, but may need to be closed again tomorrow. Will update when I learn more.

UPDATE 4/11 – The trail is still closed as of Monday and may be closed for a couple more days, according to Parks. Will update when we find out more information.

Just got word from Seattle Parks that the landslide-prone stretch of the Burke-Gilman Trail from NE 125th St to 42nd Ave NE is closed and will remain so for the weekend. Trail users will be detoured onto Riviera Pl, which runs parallel to the path.

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From Joelle Hammond of Seattle Parks:

I just got a call that the now infamous section of Burke-Gilman Trail between 125th NE and 42nd Street NE is closed again. There is a detour onto Riviera Place. It will be closed through the weekend — at least.

According to the Department of Planning and Development, there are some trees above the trail on private property that need to be removed. Until they are removed, we have to keep that portion of the trail closed for public safety.

The closed stretch:

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One response to “Landslide-prone stretch of Burke-Gilman closed for weekend – UPDATED”

  1. Jeremy

    The UW will also be messing around on their portion of the trail on the 13th from from 9:00 to 2:30 PM:


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