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Vulnerable User Bill finds very little resistance in Senate hearing (VIDEO)

For your weekend viewing pleasure, here’s video of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on SB 5326, otherwise known as the Vulnerable User Bill.

Debate on the bill is somewhat interesting (if you’re into that kind of thing), but the testimony starting just after the 1hr mark is very moving. If you watch nothing else, you should watch the testimony.

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Before testimony began, Sen. Adam Kline said, “It looks like this bill is going to pass, you don’t need to persuade us.” I don’t know what that means in government terms (you never know until it’s done), but I think it’s a real good sign.

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4 responses to “Vulnerable User Bill finds very little resistance in Senate hearing (VIDEO)”

  1. Is this the bill that makes it mandatory for cyclists to stay in their little bike lane?

    1. Tom Fucoloro

      No. That bill has been tabled. This one makes it so drivers who kill someone while driving negligently get more than a simple traffic ticket.

      1. It sounds far better all round than the one that popped up initially.

  2. Pam Roach seemed ready to take drivers who negligently or recklessly kill somebody’s grandchild, line them up, and have them shot. A bill that benefits all vulnerable road users *and* almost brings Pam Roach to tears has to be heading in the right direction.

    The story from the mom who was hit and watched her 2 year old be killed was heart-wrenching. I’ve written about a common crosswalk hazard that I see frequently. Were the video from Metro’s forward facing cameras admissible in court, there would be a lot of negligent, or even reckless, driving tickets written out there.

    This bill gives prosecutors another tool in their toolbox to impose reasonable penalties on those who drive without due caution and deserves everybody’s support regardless of political affiliation.

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