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Driver tries to attack cyclist with Taser in Northgate

The driver of a van tried to attack a person on a bike with a Taser while at a stoplight Northgate, according to the police report. The driver then tried to hit the cyclist with his van, but the cyclist picked up his bike and ran onto the sidewalk to safety.

The incident occurred around 9:30 p.m. October 19 at Northgate Way and Roosevelt. The victim told police he was riding westbound on Northgate, and signaled that he was going to slow down to stop at a red light at Roosevelt. A van following him stopped abruptly behind him at the light, then pulled up within a foot of the cyclist on the cyclist’s left side.The driver and biker got into a verbal altercation. The driver then allegedly grabbed a Taser and tried to reach across the passenger seat to attack the cyclist with it. The cyclist backed away from the van to avoid the attack.

The driver then tried to hit the cyclist with his van. Fearing for his life, the cyclist picked up his bike and ran to the sidewalk. The van only stopped when it hit the curb. The van then fled the scene.

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Police seem to be familiar with the vehicle and the vehicle’s owner, described as a balding white male in his 50s, and are aware that the owner carries a Taser. Witnesses corroborated the cyclist’s version of the story.

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2 responses to “Driver tries to attack cyclist with Taser in Northgate”

  1. …and he is going to be arrested, no? Vehicular assault, attempted assault with a (potentially deadly) weapon, etc. Let’s hope.

    Great blog, by the way.

  2. The irony of a cyclist being attacked for *obeying* the law should not be overlooked here. Sheesh…

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