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Bike News Roundup: I Bike Here

It’s time for the Bike News Roundup! As always, this is an open thread.

First up, here’s a creative UBC video to help introduce students to cycling.

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Halftime show! Did you need another reason not to drive so much? CO2 is killing our oceans, Seattle Times reports:

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4 responses to “Bike News Roundup: I Bike Here”

  1. Jake

    The Cascade Locks link points to a non-existent page. I’d heard someone talking about this last week, though – it sounds really amazing.

    1. Tom Fucoloro

      Strange. Thanks for pointing that out. It’s a wire story, so here’s the ST version: http://seattletimes.com/html/outdoors/2021897881_columbiarivergorgeoutdoorsxml.html

  2. Leif Espelund

    What is the unfortunate part about replacing signs?

    1. Tom Fucoloro

      Sorry, that wasn’t clear at all. The unfortunate part is that yield signs are not adequate for controlling neighborhood street intersections. For example, I am constantly avoiding close calls at 20th and Denny because nobody (biking, driving, doesn’t matter) takes yield signs seriously in that context. Yield signs are associated with on-ramps and merging, not four-way intersections.

      So I wish they would have taken this opportunity to replace the yield signs with stop signs instead of just installing a new yield sign.

      I do like that the city’s stop signs will be replaced with more reflective ones.

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