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Bike News Roundup: A little art and traffic calming goes a long way on neighborhood streets

It’s time for the Bike News Roundup! I just returned from half a month on a Pacific Northwest bike tour. I can wait to make you all sit through my photo slideshow. First I need to buy one of those carousel projector thingies that makes the cool clicky sound. And figure out if anyone in town still makes slides…

Anyway, first up in the roundup, Montreal! I like this video because it shows how a little extra attention to art and traffic calming can make any old neighborhood street corner into a vibrant and pleasant place to live.

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A Montreal Neighborhood Intersection Morphs into a Wonderful Public Space from Streetfilms on Vimeo.

Pacific Northwest News

Halftime show! Here’s another extremely bizarre bike law video from Edmonton. This one explains how dashed bike lanes work.

National & Global News

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3 responses to “Bike News Roundup: A little art and traffic calming goes a long way on neighborhood streets”

  1. Dennis

    Check out 0:45-0:50 of Montreal Neighborhood. Love her expression: “You important folks all go right ahead. I’ll just stand here and wait for you.”

    1. Tom Fucoloro

      Yeah, I noticed that, too…

  2. Adam

    How polite of all the cyclists to completely ignore the stop sign as a pedestrian is clearly waiting to cross. Must be a decorative sign…..

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