welcome everybody to Seattle bike blogtv I am your editor Tom fuqua Laura and I am joined by Anthony Palmieri of West Seattle bike connections and we are here today to talk about some surprise news I think caught almost everybody completely by surprise that there is cracking on the you know basically the basic structure of the West Seattle bridge the upper bridge and that has alarmed engineers at the Seattle Department of Transportation enough that they have completely closed that bridge to all traffic for an indefinite period of time they don't know how long it's going to be closed they don't know how much it's gonna cost and the you know this is kind of thrown the entire neighborhood into a very tricky situation the low bridge which if you're biking a lot is not closed and so that suddenly makes riding a bike one of the best ways to get between basically you know if you're in West Seattle to get across the Duwamish River I asked Anthony to come on and maybe talk to me a little bit about you know as someone who lives in West Seattle and as an advocate for bicycling in West Seattle like what does this closure mean for the neighborhood and maybe how can we you know work together with neighbors to help people who are not used to biking you know give it a shot because it might be kind of their best option so thanks for coming on I really appreciate it yeah thanks for having me appreciate the opportunity yeah so I guess let's talk big picture first this is kind of a big deal right it's a major disruption absolutely and this is coming from somebody who you know bikes every single day you know I also drive a car too and it's gonna be a huge hassle for a lot of people for a long time there is a low bridge that opens for boats they call it the swing bridge and because instead of a drawbridge it swings kind of side-to-side right has a tendency to break which let's hope it doesn't break anytime soon because we really need it to be fully operational right now but it'll get sometimes they'll get stuck open and you just like can't if you're biking you're just kind of like out of luck for like until it takes until they fix it and we dealt with that last year yep and it's it's a it's a huge hassle but so that bridge is supposed to be designated for transit Freight an emergency access is that just be think that's because it would just get swamped yeah I mean it's a it's a two lane bridge one lane in either direction so it's big but it certainly doesn't have the you know capacity the West Seattle bridge which is what six lanes on both sides of it at its widest point so so I guess that's what I'm trying to focus on how can we help you know it's this because we're in this weird time yeah usually we would say we'll take transit everyone should take transit you can you know that's our best way through situations where suddenly you know driving you know personal cars around isn't gonna work cause it's not a road space for them all right all of a sudden so but that's suddenly not a very appealing option because the outbreak is requiring people to stay at least six feet apart you know don't touch you know communal surfaces and both of those things are really hard to do on a bus or even the water taxi so you know transits still going to operate but it seems like biking is now probably a really important transportation mode I mean it was already important but now it's suddenly vital right so I guess how so you're with West Seattle by connections how what have you all been talking about kind of what whose ear was your plan to respond to this you know I think it kind of falls along with our our messaging we put out you know other times is if people are wanting and willing to pick up a bike for commuting any number of us that ride every day are willing to make times to meet range folks to you know show them that it's actually a pretty easy thing to do once you plan and kind of get used to it so you're still offering to to write along with people or kind of how's that absolutely you know the West Seattle blog is our neighborhood blog that I think a lot of people follow quite a bit here and you know we'll post on there okay if you're interested you know when traffic things do come up you know reach out to us and some folks have emailed and I think some of those folks have turned into regular bike commuters now we do it every day it's like hey if you're coming through at this time I'll be here and you know I'll show you how to ride downtown and so if someone is it possible for someone email you questions or you know like let's say someone's just got I don't know how to how do i navigate this area like is there someone who will answer the question absolutely so let's start big picture first about biking to West Seattle and let's just say you know we're going downtown for the sake of you know ease that's where most other my connections come together anyway right so let's say we're going downtown it seems like once you get to the trail you can figure it out from there would you say that that's yeah it's a pretty straight shot once you get there it looks very confusing on a map it does I mean I'm looking at Google Maps right now and it's yeah there's a lot going on there but it's like anything else you do it once and it's you know just kind of becomes automatic well yeah let's maybe let's walk through it so we'll talk about how to get here in a second but let's say that let's assume you've already made it to that that that trail conjunction you know underneath the bridge where the Alki trail and then the trail up to dell ridge come together let's let's start there and then let's walk through that endpoint you down to the sit down downtown yeah and then once you you know go under the bridge and I mean it's a pretty straight shot you get right to this both can't Street Bridge crossover yeah I think one point of maybe confusion for new riders is do you then shoot across Spokane Street through the crosswalk to get to the other side of the trail which is on the north side or do you do around the jug handle you know depending where in the country I go under the bridge to come back out over that way and is their damn preference I generally take the jug handle and good loop around just because it's one less major Road Crossy and I have to you know potentially deal with and you know interact with cars so it only mates at least one hazard there so it's kind of confusing because it feels like you're turning around and going the wrong way but you just have to know that it loops around and then once you do it once you'll get it but got it down that's right oh okay all right and then you got across a couple driveways which is a little confusing but you'll figure it out it's pretty clear where the trail goes it's just go across there's another I think it is actually a bridge it goes over the de la waterway there next to the Spokane is it in Street in park I think that's right there yeah the fishing pier yeah the fishing pier right yeah then that kicks you ultimately out onto East marginal way where you just hang a left at the at the white that's what I do in the morning you know some folks continue on the sidewalk and will you know cut across east marginal when when there's an opening it's you know again it's kind of user preference really so then there's a I don't know what you'd call it a sometimes buffered bike lane MoneySmart channel right you know it is a full bike lane the entire way but like you said there's a varying degrees of separation depending where you are between there and when it links up with the Elliott Bay Trail on the north end and this this street is slated for a major reconstruction project which will include much better bike lanes that's right but that's not gonna help you right now not right now so you know another option with these marginal two and some folks do this as well as they ride on the west side of the street on the the sidewalk there that's you know probably the mall feet wide it's I mean it's a nice way to separate yourself from traffic too if that's you know what folks are interested in yeah if this is the part that makes you most nervous then you know maybe that's a good option great and then when you get up to South Massachusetts kinda right by the Coast Guard right what do you do do you stay on the road or do you try to cross over and get onto the sidewalk there so I actually I stay I take the lane on Alaska once I get close to the you know I think it's called a Gore point right where vehicles have to cross over the bike lane to make that right was that is that South Massachusetts or not let's see it's between Massachusetts in Atlantic yeah I mean I can see it in my head I just can't yeah all right now be I generally stay on the on that east side of the street and pop up on the curb then get on the trail okay and then then you get up to a light and you'll see a trail entrance directly in front of you yeah and then it is very hard to miss it's nice newly repaved you know super wide really nice established trail great and then that trail takes you all the way so if you're going to the ferry terminal then you're pretty much there just stay on the sidewalk that's right another block and you're at the ferry terminal yeah but if you're gonna go downtown I would I would say most people probably best off don't taking King down to you know either Occidental or what do you is that Street even called there it's called second yeah I take Occidental it's kind of nice too Yeah right you're the cobblestone and you know it does kind of catch a break because it's mostly parking lot you know and people walking around that Sayle cars yeah and I guess yeah normally I would avoid Occidental in certain times a day because it can get really busy and Patrick I'm guessing that's not an issue right no you know but based my experience the last couple weeks it's been dead yeah great and then Occidental you can take that all the way - yes ler and then you'll see a bike lane and then that bike lane connects to the second Avenue bike lane and now you're you're connected to the the downtown bike Network Marcus um so now let's let's talk about how do you get to that that bike trail Nexus I guess you call it underneath West Seattle Bridge like there's a bunch of different ways so sure yeah maybe we'll start north and work our way south sure yeah so coming from the north you know whether you're on Alki and the Admiral District you know a couple different options there's a pretty nice trail established along Harbor Avenue around Alki you know it's super wide I take that mornings when I don't the drop my kid off at daycare it's you know nice quiet you know there's walkers and other bikers out there everyone has plenty of space you know I basically drops you right up to that that enters that Y intersection you continue following the sidewalk down to which what's that intersection by this flank cafe the big five way weird intersection yeah you basically just you look for the the marked bike way to get across that intersection that has a light that actually is triggered by bicycles and use that to get up on this go can Street bridge once you get down that you can see it as a straight shot straight up right great and then so where should we go next I think focusing more on that north area you know Harbor Avenue Southwest is the primary feeder down there I mean if you want to get into specifics of other ways you know I see people come down Admiral way as well if you like a 35 mile an hour you know blast downhill to start your day another option probably not for most folks who are considering getting into biking fairmount ave is another another great way to kind of start the morning nice downhill through a street that makes you feel like you're not in the city it's kind of it's really nice actually great nice way to get down from the a pro area but again these all feed down to Harbor Avenue okay the way we come I you know kind of coming from the the more central portion of West Seattle say around the junction the Avalon way Southwest through Southwest that long way was recently reach analyzed to include a full bike lane on both sides it's been been pretty nice riding down that recently you know that feeds you right down to that same intersection just coming from the self what's different here some folks do continue to take that all the way down to that Y intersection to get on the trail that way once they cross under the West handle bridge a lot of folks also make the right-hand turn on to Southwest Yancy Street and kind of weave back behind this West Seattle Health Club and ultimately come out on Dell Ridge okay you end up on hand over great you come down and over and then once you get the Dell Ridge hang a left there and cross that intersection put you on the sidewalk which will feed into that same trail we were talking about earlier so let's say you're all the way like you're kind of in the Far West or you know even as far as then can Park area sure what do you recommend going all the way around along the seaside or making the climb well it depends I mean the beach side nice and flat for the most part but I mean it's gonna easily triple your mileage you know follow Roy it's nice I mean it you know it's a hill but it's not you know relatively speaking here in Seattle it's a it's pretty benign there's a lot of bikes on it all throughout the year so it you know I think most drivers in that area you know are familiar and look for cars all the time and it's a pretty straightforward heavily used bike corridor so that would be my preference if I was gonna do it what's talk about like weights in there yeah I actually a gentleman in my my building downtown I seen the bike Locker commutes from white center and I know he comes down Dell Ridge I think that's kind of the primary mode for those folks you know basically taking 16,000 okay not in the Belridge and taking that to kind of straight shot all the way down there is an existing neighborhood green way that has improvements coming that is mostly usable you know I think that for most people it you know it's a little it's Hillier it's it's got some weird zigs and zags but for most people like it's gonna be a little better than a little more comfortable endeavors way which has bike lanes for some sections and sometimes no bike lane or sometimes a bike lane on one side but not the other and you know it can its dull which is the flattest way it's the most direct way so a lot of people still bike it but you can make your way through the neighborhood just to the east of Dell Ridgeway and there's a signed route the cup that goes all the way from white Center that you can follow just you know be patient because sometimes you'll cross the same street like twice within a couple blocks and you're like pulling your hair out like an egg is this a trick uh-huh and then there's one point where you can get around this but there is one point where it turns into a staircase but you know there might be sections where you'll bike on 16th Avenue Southwest instead of the bike of the neighborhood route just because it's so much faster and more direct but you can you can do it it's mostly it's mostly calm along the way has been my experience okay yeah it's not super stressful and then there is one tricky spot along that route there southwest Dawson Street merges into 21st Avenue Southwest which is the Greenway route for like the span of a block or two and then it and then the main arterial route diverges on the 22nd Avenue Southwest and 21st Avenue Southwest becomes a slow residential street again and that one stretch is kind of stressful there is a sidewalk on the west side of the street that is not really wide enough for a lot of for multiple people biking the past each other comfortably but it might be it's the and so you know it's you'll find your way across it's just it's not the most comfortable stretch but then once you're on 21st Avenue Southwest you can follow the science is neighborhood greenways science that will take you all the way on neighborhood streets to Pigeon Point they call it which is you feel like you're just biking into this dead-end of like a neighborhood street and then there's this little trail that kind of comes out of nowhere and go down a hill in that trail and then suddenly boom you're on the you connect with the trail from Dell Ridge and now you're underneath the bridge again which is it's kind of magical because there's several points along the way where you're just convinced like there's no way this is gonna get me going the wrong way yeah there's no way this is gonna work and then it does work we should talk about dwarvish trail you know generally good easy passage pretty well-established I think there there are a few driveways they eat across that you know just need to exercise a bit more caution it almost connects to the Green River Trail and it goes through several you know South King County municipalities which is a lovely trail there's there's this gap where you have to kind of bike on the side of 99 for it's so short and then there's a bike route through South Park that connects to the Duwamish trail so if you're coming from the South Park bridge or neighborhoods softly there is a there is a connection that you can find you know follow the signage it'll lead you there the trip there alms trail once you're on it it's pretty straightforward there's connection across the first Avenue South Bridge a lot of people may not be familiar with it's a little it's especially confusing to find on the Georgetown side if you've never done it before so if you're following the map like on your phone or something you know you'll probably be looking at the line your map and looking up into the real world and saying there's no way this is right it is right is right you will get there but you basically like you'll be biking through what feels like just like a tractor-trailer graveyard like this there's no way this is the way to the bridge but it is and you'll and then suddenly there's this like nice ramp entrance you know it's in pretty good condition and it's actually pretty nice protected safe connection across the bridge that will kind of fling you around and dump you onto the sidewalk and Highland Parkway southwest and then you'll you'll wrap around and then you'll follow the trail runs along the east side of West marginal way almost all the way to the bridge all right almost almost so you go past the Duwamish longhouse and cultural center kind of right past the longhouse and then you're you're on the other side of the street from that point is that correct that's not right yeah and unfortunately it's just a sidewalk like there's there's nothing more to it than a sidewalk I think they do have signage that guides you through so if you're worried about getting lost you can still follow the signs just unfortunately it's just a sidewalk nothing is not it is not a trail but we call the trail I guess and again you might feel like okay I've gotten this can't be the right way but you'll end up feeling like you're going just kind of into an alley behind some industrial businesses at Southwest Dakota Street it won't look like much of a street to you it really just feels like a driveway but follow the signs there are signs and they'll lead you up this alleyway behind a bunch of businesses and then you'll end up on how does it actually end up oh yeah you end up in another alley but it feels like an alley Southwest marginal place I guess it's official you'll wind up and then you'll go under the bridge and it'll turn into a trail underneath the bridge and then all of a sudden there it is you're connected to the same trail that we're talking about before yeah I guess it's uh you know that's almost one of the challenges of biking the West Seattle's that's so many of these routes you kind of it helps to have already known about them it's not so hard once you know where they are and right they're there and that and you can trust that they will connect but when you're first starting you just might not believe it it is and that you know that kind of adds to the intimidation and reluctance that some people may have to like you meeting but again you know find a buddy there's someone that does it every day even a complete stranger on the side of the road that you see on a bike you ask them and they're gonna be a nice person to show you exactly where to go oh I think another on to you know depending on how so this and see recommendations go the water taxi is another option for bicyclists as well I can't read what the capacity is for the boat but I mean it can hold a dozen or more bikes for each trip you know if you find yourself you know just not wanting to ride most of the way home one day Amy completely booked like in the water taxi and do it that way same thing with with buses as well I mean carries in the front can take hold at least three bikes great well thank you so much for taking all this time to talk to me about this thank you for all the work that you're doing West Seattle by connections does suddenly very it's always important but now it's suddenly very important again unexpectedly I hope that you know this helps people get where they need to go in what and I hope that the bridge is not closed for too long and is not too expensive to fix yeah but that's all