Seattle bike blog intro whoo. Fancy. That welcome to the first of what I hope is a am your editor Tom Fucoloro. I've since 2010 and I'm hoping to start a casually talk through some of the lately maybe provide a little extra a little more of a casual in a talk through some of the issues with you for people who you know would rather listen to the news or other people I watch I guess. I hope you get something it's all going to turn into. If you have ideas or whether or not I should do video. I'm using streaming software so I don't know if anyone would is interested well maybe we'll try I'm gonna try a learn how to do this and improve my is a useful addition to the site's should get started with our first story Eastlake. Eastlake Avenue. So the multimodal major bus improvements that are 65th and Roosevelt and downtown Seattle the map it starts up here at 65th here's and this project this whole bus project bunch of federal funding so as a result has worked with the Federal Transit Federal Transit Administration. So they which is something that you have to do includes significant federal funding and about this whole project looking at trade-offs and talking about kind of design choices that they've chosen so creating that document was the federal the text of it it is actually authored the Federal Transit Administration in and it is signed by representatives of that it's important to understand here along and both the local and about this which is especially cool to see because one of lanes. I mean this is a major bike route the seattle bicycle master plan there's Roosevelt station the future Roosevelt Roosevelt southbound all the way across bike lane across the university bridge a paint only skinny door zone bike lane Avenue at Ravenna Boulevard and you know lane in the city for sure I mean there's but if we're gonna do this big Street upgrade we should upgrade that unbalanced right now you have this in one direction and then sort of a you goes as it pleases in the other complete protected bike lane all the way gonna be wonderful but the crux of the most disputed portion of it is between the south end of the University Fairview Avenue North sort of in the the so right now if you are familiar with actually closed right now because they're right just south of that intersection so it that bridge is gonna have a two-way on the lake side of the road and the bike lane exists all the way to Lake Union Park so lot like Westlake which is of course on like that all the way up to until you very nice huge improvement over today in bunch of really bad choices if you're on sidewalk but the sidewalk's busy and it's parking lot but it doesn't go all the and of course it's a parking lot so spaces and you have to kind of go the it it's not it's not a great and just you know pray that people in that street see you I mean it's uh are great so having an actual dedicated you get to Eastlake the two-way bike on either side of Eastlake Avenue and space with some kind of barrier and they'll go around the outside of the bus rapidride stops will have platforms I'm gonna cut in here because I thought you some images with a little more Lake Union Park up here Center for gonna build it's gonna have this two-way will connect into the city's bike network like basically this project saying hey city if you want to do something on so we might need to pressure the city to street is designed today with this little maybe we need to put a little pressure Valley to put a 2-way bike lane here or complete another path that is separated the park along with the rail over here this is not a good right now people kind good option there's too many people bike lanes need to go somewhere else but project so the the bike lanes will kind area is down here but then before you into this sidewalk which is you know it continued but this is the plan right now transition on street it'll be a two-way which makes a lot of sense because this extra lanes the way it was designed this has been the design for the bridge bridge as it was right before they tore except previously you had to like people walking will have their own lane entirely separate which is great there's no reason why if you have one that here so it makes sense to just like like no additional cars are so there's no reason to have more lanes them to not have to touch this parking expensive and honestly you know water parking though this is a pretty big you know if if you can just do it on do that that's fine pretty interesting for transitioning this I can kind of see how they might little more protection here for people you're trying to get onto Eastlake into transition here wait in this box bike you'll have to come over here to get little more protection I think so I hope some point this isn't like a deal is really strong but if we're talking here there you know if there's a way to people biking we should do that because I mean how many people can are gonna be know you might if you go over look at pile up at a stoplight you know to get box there's basically too many people so right so this can use a little more route but the point is they have the important part a station will look like so you have no protection and then when you to a behind the station here's a little it's someone biking will have to go up an yield to you know people walking and if getting on and off like they have this crossing the bike lane but you are... if cross between the sidewalk and the bus yield that's their right away and know right now there is as you can see street you know it's been it's bike lane all of these crosswalks today are really this change is that you know effectively this distance now instead of previously have to cross and now you just have to so so so so much safer and he it's a likelihood of what they call the double that's where if you're crossing you know same direction and you're trying to you like they're legally required to and the next Lane doesn't stop and they hit happens in cities where person crossing know seriously injured or killed because obey the law and if one person doesn't then you're talking about so what this design for that scenario to ever come up if behind them will stop also because that's exactly the way it's supposed to bike lanes in a project like this it has it's not just about biking it's about mistake the cost someone's life health is harder to do like it's just don't like it makes driving easier by that are unnecessary so that's what this work it will work alright so more simple straightforward design bike leads around the bus stops here is the south another area where I wish that there was it's it looks like it's just gonna be barrier between the bike lane and you here in part because they're trying to have to have space for cars to queue and try to get through as many cars as movement around a bridge a drawbridge makes it so that traffic engineers of lanes which I kind of disagree. so for example like do we need this turn lane here I don't think something that can't just wait in the second lane extra queuing space for the bridge like you know or if nothing else can we just you know people driving can be lined up buses can get to the front of the line maybe they could have a queue jump they that'd be cool I'm kind of surprised that would be really useful maybe that's but I I wish there was more protection uncomfortable here so that right now people can turn trying to cross that same time people really dangerous situation and you know and you could only turn with a left helpful for safety all right University even touch it each direction we know it we love it previous project this was terrible a be this island that jutted out here further that made it like it jutted all the way into where the bike bike lane you'd had to like merge into then get back in the bike lane it was small cost shaved back the the concrete which has made it leaps and bounds transit stop bypasses here before we Roosevelt up here so let's zoom in here all right so the bike lanes coming along to the left side of the street where at Brooklyn and 43rd is where the is the Brooklyn light rail station as it and so this street is gonna become a plan is to have transit on it right now of a movement afoot to make it a buses on to Brooklyn instead but it's not clear that that's the way things are gonna go but the idea is that car light street that has biking and the way it should be rail station it should not be centered you were to do a transition like this do that I think the exact details of how have to wait to signal cycles to do allow people biking to would be great like it would suck if you then go here so that's kind of one of the kind of thing where the can see a way to make this work and I and if it doesn't work people are going over and get in it here which is not that's not particularly comfortable but going to do it of course they are they the route the bike lane ones on the left parking here have their own stations on the curb just conflict with them and then we get to shown in this image but there are we are so you'll be able to connect into station here if that's where you're into South Lake Union into downtown let's fast forward and then when you get and there's me a bike lane one direction guess they're gonna try to not great not people will actually come through the through the parking lots as they do right here that's like this wide it's connections in the whole city which is here so this is Daniel's broiler and you cut through here you can get onto you want in the park you know past the nicer than trying to do this valley the streetcar tracks and all that like through here but it's fairly unofficial someone tries to like block it off with and I don't know it always gets reopened now and you're the person who moves the you're doing a great service so that's the people probably will oppose it because yet to hear a lot of organized you can go over and look at Westlake I'd say I mean it's absolutely packed good the you know it's hard to look at happening on the east side of the lake University Bridge to Fairview to those Avenue is all about okay the other thing project is its regional significance so trail comes through here and so it's Trail which is our region's most walking trail that goes you know into know Far East King County Snohomish I mean it's uh we all it's the important and this is a you know may way between downtown Seattle and the Burke-Gilman Trail so you know right now a lot of people avoid it as much as they not you know miles out of so once this is complete that's get much more popular the Eastlake route will get much more popular the other thing to think about is that right now they're putting together the final the west of the 4.6 billion which is you know there's already a Kirkland and Bellevue into Montlake and rebuild the Portage Bay Bridge here and what they're going to do to some hard work from advocates so those designs here so you know here's and then the next section will go current there currently is this better yeah whoo separated biking 520 bridge kind of by the NOAA parking Trail is the official name of this trail right when you get at this point kind of the south side of the 520 you will have and going to Montlake playfield and or you can veer off here and take a ramp Portage Bay Bridge you go across Portage drive East and just right near Roanoke East Roanoke Street Roanoke Park is an existing park you may be familiar with here street level so in order to make an is not a terribly steep grade because have it be considered accessible so you count to do a couple loop-de-loops from there you'll be able to go through into East Lake so that's the plan so I consider that the 520 bridge is gonna decade so long term planning sure but rebuilding the street we need to be is the the bike route to the east side context to remember this is very important into the future so let's focus of pushback on this project because it on the street so what they did is they page assessment of all of the bicycle you can see them here there's nine options that include a bike route one of them and you know they looked at do we want have one in each side the street do you side of the street is there a way to of different combinations for like how combination of neighborhood greenways or greenways on side streets and absolutely already knew the conclusion that they study which is that no there's just gonna work like there's no every single extensively and they are not functional they kind of cannot be like there's no to improve access and safety on East to get people to the businesses the only Street that works works and no just not set up that way so probably the what they called a multi-use doesn't make any sense um but if you try this is a kind of a popular concept and an alternative to Eastlake right now because scary so there's a couple problems with pretty busy you know there's a lot of a lot of industrial businesses that you street with them there's no sidewalk so I mean it's it's mostly calm and slow in sections to really be considered a you'd have to do to make it safe for make sense there and I'm not sure that traffic any further because just a it's not a great Greenway option anyway section right here so you're coming down just ends it disappears you can see the City right-of-way just kind of through community and there's there's fences you through here along the land so you can't to get across or the only other option then go through this alleyway which is ridiculously steep you can see someone up that this is it's absurdly steep I and then you have to turn and come in to bit more and then there's this this the Google Street View as it is in real halfpipe and you have to get a bunch of here so you have enough speed you just it's it's kind of fun in like bike route like it's not the kind of is the official city route through East like to do that you know this isn't the eight-year-old down this path like you someone's gonna pull out of one of these driveways or come out of this street here and if you have to stop anywhere along this it's you probably get off and walk up problem is you get kind of a lot of that people are trying to cross and you speed so these you see if someone's even it just doesn't it doesn't work and it this a functional bike route it it can't right now which is you know some people that's it can't it can't be the way that we're connection like we can't send everyone doesn't make any sense but then even as back down here you have a choice get down to Fairview but then once you get to towards the industrial area I want you know once Avenue or Fairview here and this is a this is not a Greenway a candidate in order to make this safe you'd have to building bike lanes through here somehow here you know or maybe even a trail necessary and even then again all gotten someone on a bike down to you haven't at any point gotten them to Avenue you haven't gotten them to Tops here are so steep that you know making might still make sense but that doesn't Avenue because it doesn't they don't do people talk about that as an alternative can't happen one fun idea we can talk about is it here and this is a city street end park access for the lake we could put a into Lake Union kind of like Portland's pretty fun pretty neat little park you had a trail that came out here and pretty neat experience but there's no plans for that I didn't know if it's that's a pie in the sky dream thing it's bike lanes on East Lake Avenue even if which again probably won't it would be really so people might try to say and I hope that this helps explain why the safety element of this is so collisions involving about someone on a 2017 and the report further noted notes resulted in serious injuries so there's weren't reported so if when they get to they're pretty bad and so people got to bike I mean they're just trying to shouldn't be this way we know how to safe and this project will do so and government and SDOT agree that this that's a really important part you know what it looks like you don't you don't you're biking the sidewalks you know screenshot but are not a good option for they're too busy they're too small to biking on a sidewalk unless you have probably do because they probably look other option for me and it's hard to so you can it's tempting to try to bike lane this is not wide enough to be the lane line and the park cars because should always give enough space between opens the door without looking that you that door so you got to give yourself a cars that you're biking by is just one will always follow like it's not basically riding kind of like on the is now really awkward because you're which is you're kind of putting people have to use the turn lane to pass you to do it you know that's obviously not in the turn lane but the alternative is this Lane they're way too close to you and they're staying in this Lane at the best-case scenario is everyone kind of you but then if someone's using the turn like you just kind of get squeezed and uncomfortable it's not fun you could in right down the middle lane and really to pass you to avoid being into a parked car but that's obviously either I mean it's just terrible the as a street design if you're trying it is completely backwards so what the outside lanes which are used for on there's no parking on them so which is terrible for pedestrian safety terrible terrible for biking safety so anymore this is thinking from another past we you know this is doesn't this achieve our climate goals does achieve our our our bike access goals so it's business district to have a five lane front of your door like that's not what want to feel safe they want to feel like to cross the street they need to feel has one of the highest bike commute rates kind of obvious when you look at it from up here University of Washington busy business district here ton of jobs downtown I mean is our the state's East Lake a really awkward distance for sure lots of people walk you can walk or you know places any of these biking just you know it makes so much we're really high bike commute rate I guess in the last census probably biked is the primary primary mode of you know biking has grown a lot since share which is really popular in Eastlake so you know this project is also about helping people who live in East businesses or get to and from their important context here you know people car-dependent neighborhood it's a biking once walking and that's it's that makes sense to cram a bunch more thing that's really important about this that like people who bike love we can't like you know if you're driving out into the suburbs to go to getting them at your neighborhood stores so heavily on people walking and biking car now you have to compete with like on price if you're gonna be a business that you can ever do but what you can is more desirable to be to go to businesses are a huge employer in our city desirable what makes our you know this idea that biking is bad for local businesses just so they're in conflict and nothing can be you if you bike everywhere you and you go there a lot because you were them they're necessity to you so this idea that if about local businesses or something is and a lot of that might stem from this world which is that how many of their customers get there by so to kind of question whether or not conducted this what they call a where they went to a bunch of different on the sidewalk outside of businesses you get here and the results were ones to East Lake are Fremont and example what like 22% of people got uber really blew up so this is 2012 but of these numbers are a little fuzzy but like driving yourself alone and parking fact all transportation trends in the share of the whole I don't know where sure it would be a significant percent that you don't need parking for that you takeaway here is that first walking priority if your business owner because just walking there like they just live more housing you know more housing residents who just live near your one way to grow your customer base is just transit is a you know at least on par with these driving alone in Fremont and people biked there this is in 2012 that number is almost certainly higher now especially with bike share in Fremont especially on Capitol Hill more people themselves alone and parked which is I of people especially a lot of business reality like when people walk in your unless you ask them and if you're drove you know there's no you don't see people who took the bus in like wearing like an I took the you know some people who buy I guess leave their helmet on their bike just a person and so you know it doesn't just you're there like that's what's need a couple parking spots in front of my store or my store won't work out I think that it would be assumptions on whether or not they're as a result missing out an opportunity number of customers who can get to a a hard ceiling at the amount of parking like cannot have any more customers if there but with something you know with a that there's only potential for growth a bike lane as more people start biking you have expanded transit service like amount that the potential for more is is enormous and you know those are have you know spending money just like what the study includes. part looks at ways that okay so if we're East Lake Avenue itself you know what to you know sort of help mitigate that sure that the parking space that is supporting the local businesses and found was that utilization is percent with obviously the districts but they also found that a lot so for more than four hours at a time so are parking all day to go to work those employees are gonna work on East Lake but a lot of them is you know are probably parking on East downtown that they can get to to avoid Lake Union and downtown which is a not what Eastlake Avenue needs to be district like it doesn't help a local the shop and catches a bus to their job at Amazon or something like that's not what that space is for not good for the business so one thing parking spaces on side streets near the they're limited either paid or at least time-limited maybe two-hour parking that way that you know the space block walk from the businesses is there it's not there to be a place where that that's a kind of a win-win this process you know they can expand neighborhood to make sure that you know place to park their car which so they parking but um but still the parking business districts really needs to be for the the trips that do need to zones for deliveries and for you such and then the other thing is they neighborhood where parking is as it is right now and they could side of the street like you know we're streets where parking both sides and this could be a good option here to you know away on East Lake Avenue itself but you you know really close by so the parking or nothing like there's there's a lot of of things the city can do to make that efficient usage of the parking that is know I think that's something where you effort because that's a could be part of you know so I think that I just ask like I understand the worry because it that someone who's nervous about losing don't think that they're wrong to be business you know its livelihood they've got employees that depend on them like they don't you know they got it figured unknowns and I completely understand general and this there's uncertainty know this is a change that is gonna will improve access to the street for would never never ever ever bike on this with protected bike lanes there suddenly want to go to like it's the potential to biking rather than a place to be avoided right now like like if I see something's that far from me with this street and I'm not gonna have able-bodied white dude who will bike on pretty much any Street if I have to like you know I'm very I'm gonna bike I'm feeling this way people who are less less able or younger you know biking never ever ever gonna bike with an never gonna do it but if you had a for your family to get around by bike you know that the potential for good is business owners to believe and take of evidence of places all across the were worried about the bike lanes went in business districts place so you know so also you know if and you're very frustrated with I guess I just ask for you know be understanding they don't hate you they're worried but that's not a reason not a reason to not do it you know when the research is fully in favor of city on the same page about it when planning documents have been passed by kind of change that we need to make to the city you know that's more walking climate emergency and this world and the change is carbon emissions from cars so you know if we are gonna as a city you know we are somewhat regulate the oil industry for example if you provide people with options that or completely non carbon-intensive like I mean it is we have a moral imperative part of combating climate change is that are uncomfortable and and this is part of it this one climate change but it it is part of it lots and lots of uncomfortable changes my daughter with a planet that's becomes an adult um so we don't it out so anyway I hope that the o'clock tonight so it's you've seen this before six o'clock then I there's a town hall at tops Peterson who's also the transportation productive I hope that people talk and become doesn't devolve into yelling or I hate bikes well I love bikes I hate happens with controversial issues like very good at finding the nuance in know pick a team and fight I hope that's isn't the neighborhood of East Lake that's happening because the neighborhood of complete nonsense businesses because people who bike love there they're not nice-to-haves for us that that nuance can get through but else to add on this so how about we'll a comment either on youtube or seattle text there and if you have any thoughts future be sure to let me know here we all this works I hope that this format it was definitely let me know that if you know that give me ideas for improvement me know if you liked it hit that thumbs more and you know maybe in the future we people here instead of just me talking and maybe we'll do a stream maybe I'm a you know a fortnight star or games we'll just see how the bike blog you know we'll do some play some rocket that would be really on brand for me it's one of my my secret indulgences for no I like cars that are playing soccer slow-moving beach ball if highly suggest it it is it's one of absurd that it's unbelievably fun first like the worst game you've ever yourself too seriously when you're gravity car with rockets on the back of goal I don't know it's beautiful it's I'm joking we probably won't play any know if you want to you want to watch me are into biking maybe that's what we'll something serious to say about bike we'll have a hard serious maybe that's what we'll do anyway thanks oh wait let's play this again