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Seattle Bike Style Updates: Iva Jean launches new line + Model Citizen adds women’s t-shirt

If you want stylish threads that stay that way even as you slog up a hill or pedal through a downpour, then perhaps it only makes sense that you should be looking to Seattle.

Right now, there are (at least) two Seattle-based designers working on lines of clothes that look good on and off the bike. Check them out:

Iva Jean launches new leggings, trousers and tops

575588278ce88f9afda957ad602b6a16_largeWe have written about Iva Jean before, but after receiving all kinds of good press following her 2012 line, Ann DeOtte Kaufman is back with another line and another Kickstarter. This one’s got a big goal of $50,000, so she’s really stepping things up for this line.

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Over the last year, my team and I have been working to expand our line. Using the same principles we always have, our new collection goes beyond the bike. We’ve developed two pants that are both tailored, minimal, comfortable, and durable. Our tops are both luxurious and practical, perfect for any situation.

Our garments use high quality performance fabrics, feature feminine cuts and modern details, and will be made in Seattle, Washington.

After strong start, Model Citizen adds women’s line and stretch goal

3821b24c205e2080f32d13cca67de61d_largeEarlier this month, we wrote about Model Citizen and its attempt to crowd-fund a Seattle-based and Oregon-made line of wool shirts for men. By far the biggest question I’ve heard since our post is: Why not women?

Well, they listened to you. Founder Joshua Weinberg has added a new stretch goal of $25,000 ($10,000 more than the original). If it makes it, they will add a women’s line. From the Kickstarter:

I came into this project with the perspective of a designer (I actually have a degree in architecture from the Rhode Island School of Design) and the intent of changing the way we look at high performance clothing for both men AND women. With your support I want to apply the same approach to a woman’s tee designed to handle a night out no matter where you go or how you get there. If our project reaches $25,000 we will have enough to produce at least 3 women’s prototypes (a Model Citizen fit is a perfect fit) as well as a digital production-ready pattern. Supporters would then have the option to receive a men’s or women’s tee.

If you want to meet the Model Citizen folks, they are hosting a movie night at Peddler Brewing from 6 – 9 p.m. Tuesday. Grab a beer and watch Breaking Away on a night Peddler is usually closed.

Do you have a young Seattle-based bikey business you would like to see featured? Email [email protected].

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One response to “Seattle Bike Style Updates: Iva Jean launches new line + Model Citizen adds women’s t-shirt”

  1. Gary

    It’s good to see a local garment company making good quality stuff. ’bout time.

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