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Cascade was not included in cutback to Bicycle Sundays

Cascade Bicycle Club’s David Hiller told Publicola the club was not included in the Parks Department’s decision to cut the number of Bicycle Sundays from 18 to 12 this year:

David Hiller, policy director for the Cascade Bicycle Club, says the organization, which sponsors and helps pay for the popular Bicycle Sundays program (which closes Lake Washington Boulevard to car traffic on weekend days during the summer to give cyclists unimpeded access to the road), was not included in the Seattle Parks Department’s decision to cut the program back from 18 days to 12.

“We’re disappointed that we got this information as late as we did in the spring, and it was information, not a discussion,” Hiller says. “This was not the way we expected to be treated as partners and funders [of Bicycle Sundays]. We think we deserved a little more head-up than we got.”

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Yesterday, parks department spokeswoman Joelle Hammerstad told PubliCola that the department decided to reduce the number of Bicycle Sundays to accommodate five more charity walks and runs, including the Danskin Triathlon, the Race for Grace, and the Walk for Water—all of which, Hammerstad noted, are “good causes.”

Meanwhile, we asked Seattle Summer Streets via Facebook when cicWAvia was going to happen. The answer: As soon as we find a sponsor.

So, which big Seattle employer wants to step to the plate and create the biggest street party the city has ever seen?

CicLAvia 2011: Los Angelenos Take Back the Streets from Streetfilms on Vimeo.

Speaking of StreetFilms, this is a reminder that Clarence Eckerson Jr is presenting films at 7 p.m. tonight (April 29) at REI.

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5 responses to “Cascade was not included in cutback to Bicycle Sundays”

  1. Steve

    Joelle Hammerstad’s response makes no sense. There are always several Bicycle Sundays every year where an event like a charity walk or run happens in the morning and then Bicycle Sunday starts after that event ends. Why doesn’t that work for the new events added this year?

  2. Anthony

    I wouldn’t be surprised to find that since now Group Health is involved with the club that some people are having second thoughts on working with them. Their last year has been filled with ups and downs, and from my perspective possibly not headed in the right direction.

  3. I think what’s more sad is that I lived in Seattle for 5 years and never once heard of Bicycle Sundays.

    Anyway, it’s not surprising that agencies are cutting CBC out of the loop. If a more ineffectual advocacy group exists I’d like to see one.

  4. I’m unsure what commenters at #2 and #3 are trying to communicate.

    Group Health has been a major sponsor and donor to Cascade Bicycle Club for nearly a decade. It’s not new, nor does it represent a change in direction. And, other than a brief fracas within the organization, our direction – that of thoughtful, data-driven advocacy, hasn’t changed.

    As for our effectiveness, we’ve won the most significant legal battles of any bicycle organization in the country – and are lead plaintiffs in a suit that if successful will reshape transportation policy in the four-county PSRC region. We moved landmark local and statewide legislation, and won electoral battles throughout the region. There are also numerous misguided efforts and/or projects that never see the light of day expressly because we can quietly and peacefully head them off before they become a problem. In addition, we’re delivering Basics of Bicycling instruction to tens of thousands of school-children throughout the region, and providing commute support, audits and planning services for dozens of major employers with hundreds of thousands of employees.

    Is there more to do? Certainly. However, that should go without saying.

    Which leaves me with a question: Is there a major policy or revenue initiative that comes to mind, Ross, when you level your criticism?

  5. Dan

    Now it’s clear why with Hiller being appointed to a cabinet position in city hall! Way to use his resources.

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