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Greenwood Ave changes coming next month

You know how Greenwood Ave is a totally comfortable place to ride headed north, then you hit 85th and it’s all like, AHHHHHHHHH!

Well, that’s set to change in the next month or so. SDOT has decided to move forward with reconfiguration plans for Greenwood Ave between 85th and 105th. Work is scheduled to begin in October, and plans will change this four-lane highway into a three-lane neighborhood arterial with bike lanes and calmer traffic. Basically, this 0.9 miles of Greenwood will be changed to match the configuration south of 85th.

So, road diet doubters, you have one month to take the Greenwood Ave challenge. Go drive, walk or bike down Greenwood Ave and compare the section before and after 85th. These stretches have similar traffic volumes, but the traffic south of 85th is clearly more calm and inviting. That’s the power of a more livable street design. These projects are about people and neighborhoods.

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I would be interested if businesses north of 85th see any uptick in traffic after the project goes through. I know that I always exit Greenwood when I get to 85th because the street is so much less comfortable, and there are fewer safe places for pedestrians to cross. When Nickerson was reconfigured, I noticed many businesses I had overlooked before because I was able to ride more comfortably. If you’re a business owner, this is what you want.

From SDOT:

Today the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) announced changes to Greenwood Avenue North to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists—to reduce vehicle speeds and collisions—and and still maintain the current capacity.

The department’s decision was guided by an analysis of current and future traffic conditions, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan recommendations, the Greenwood Neighborhood Plan and input from the community.

Greenwood Avenue North will be restriped between North 85th Street and North 105rd Street this fall. After work is complete, the 0.9 mile stretch will have one travel lane in each direction, a center turn lane and dedicated bicycle lanes. Improvements at the intersection of Greenwood and North 85th Street will include dedicated right and left turn lanes for southbound vehicles.

SDOT engineers carefully considered the needs of motorists, freight, transit, bicycles, pedestrians and emergency response when designing the final roadway layout.

Additional information about the changes, including frequently asked questions and plans for the project, can be found on the project’s Website at:  http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/bikeprojects/greenwood.htm

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One response to “Greenwood Ave changes coming next month”

  1. Can I put up your submit to my blog? I’ll add a backlink to your forum. That’s one really candy post.

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