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Reminder: Open house Thursday to discuss Dexter plans

Reminder, there is an open house to discuss the revised plans for Dexter Ave N Thursday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Swedish Cultural Center. Basically, the plans for a parking-buffered cycle track of sorts is being abandoned in favor of large buffered bike lanes on each side of the street. The center turn lane is being removed for the many lengths of the road where they are underutilized and largely unnecessary.

I will not be able to hit up the open house because (WARNING: Shameless Self-Promotion Ahead) I am performing in a rock opera some friends and I wrote. It’s called The Lonely Kazoo: A Synthetic Journey to Heaven and is Thursday night at 7 p.m. at the Fremont Abbey Arts Center. You can listen to the music free at our website. </sleazyselfpromotion>

So if you go, let me know how it went and what you think of the changes. From the press release:

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In 2011, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is planning to resurface Dexter Avenue N from Roy Street to the Fremont Bridge.  The repaving project creates an opportunity for SDOT to implement a “Complete Streets” approach to the roadway whereby we improve the conditions for all users of the street – including pedestrians, cyclists, transit, and those who live on the street.On June 29th, SDOT conducted an open house for the project.  We received more than 100 comments from people including cyclists, pedestrians, transit riders and people who live or work along the street.  After reviewing these comments, SDOT conducted additional analysis of the roadway conditions and revised the draft proposal.

On Thursday, August 19th, SDOT invites the public to view and comment on the revised plans for Dexter at a project open house at the Swedish Cultural Center.

The revised plan includes:

  • Repaving Dexter from Roy Street to the Fremont Bridge.
  • Removing the two-way left turn lane in areas where it’s infrequently used.
  • Providing a left turn lane at intersections with high turn movements.
  • Retaining one travel lane in each direction.  Travel lanes will be wider than they are currently.
  • Constructing raised bus islands at in-lane transit stops.
  • Providing a six-foot bike lane in each direction between the travel lane and the parking lane.
  • Painting a two to three foot buffer zone between the bike lane and the travel lane.

We expect the new lane configurations will result in reduced motor vehicle speeds which comply with the 30mph speed limit; improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists; faster and more reliable transit operations; and wider travel lanes to provide adequate space for motor vehicles.  The proposal will also reduce conflicts between bikes and buses by installing the bike lane between the curb and the transit island at most locations where there is a bus stop.

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